September 19, 2024


'Maximum pressure': Iran oil may get Russian assist
As the United States ramped up its “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran via energy sector sanctions, Russia said it was considering offering a $10 billion lifeline to Teheran’s vital oil industry. Read More.
Chinese DF-20 could appear in Oct. 1 parade
An Aug. 29 article on new missiles that may be displayed in China’s ten-year large military parade on Oct. 1 stated these would include, “hypersonic missiles such as the DF-17 and DF-20 which are capable of breaching missile shields….,” according to “military sources” cited by South China Morning Post writer Minnie Chan. Read More.
Trump pulls plug on light bulb hysteria
It is time to put an end to Thomas Edison’s legacy and blame him for the world’s demise in the next decade. Read More.
San Francisco brands NRA a 'terrorist organization'
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors has declared the National Rifle Association (NRA) is a “domestic terrorist organization” and called on the federal government to do the same. Read More.
Gingrich: Obama surely knew FBI was spying on Trump
President Barack Obama and his attorney general, Loretta Lynch, almost certainly knew the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign but, because “the fix is in,” they will likely never be held to account, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said. Read More.
Report warns South Korea aligning with China
The nominee to head up South Korea’s Ministry of Justice has said he will not renounce his past ties to communism, which included an arrest in 1993 while he was part of a group which called for an armed revolt to create a workers’ socialist country. Read More.
Elizabeth Warren takes aim at successful Americans
During the Labor Day long weekend, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) appeared in the great state of New Hampshire to kiss babies, shake hands, and peddle her progressive policies. Read More.
Democrats vow to save planet: Crisis dwarfs WWII?
CNN on Sept. 4 let the 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls make their cases for who was best suited to save the Earth. Read More.
Taipei fears Hong Kong crisis could lead to Chinese attack
During a meeting here on Aug. 26, a source close to the leadership of the government of Taiwan told Geostrategy-Direct of fears that a violent Chinese government crackdown on months-long protests in Hong Kong could also lead to a Chinese decision to attack Taiwan. Read More.
Pentagon allocates $3.6 billion to build border wall
Secretary of Defense Mark Esper has authorized $3.6 billion in funding for military construction projects to be reallocated toward construction of the border wall on the U.S. southern border. Read More.
Top 20 U.S. cities by murder rate have this in common
Of the 20 cities in the United States with the highest murder rates only one has a Republican mayor and most have been under Democratic Party rule for decades — in some cases more than a century — an analysis said. Read More.
Blacklisting Trump supporters? 'Not a good idea'
Following a tweet by The Hollywood Reporter that President Donald Trump would be appearing at a Sept. 17 fundraiser in Beverly Hills, Will & Grace stars Debra Messing and Eric McCormack sent out the call to name names. Read More.
The psychotic left and the Trump emergency
From the moment Donald Trump descended that escalator in Trump Tower more than four years ago, a coalition of the political establishment, the left, and the media has demonstrated a willingness to spy on, attack, and defame this man to a degree once thought inconceivable. Read More.
Hong Kong activists turn up heat after concession
Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced on Sept. 4 that the government would withdraw an extradition bill which sparked massive pro-democracy protests which have continued daily for three months. Read More.
Report: AOC fundraises for Antifa
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in an Aug. 31 tweet promoted a fundraiser seeking bail money for several people, including Antifa members, who were arrested in a counter-protest of the “Straight Pride Parade” in Boston this past weekend, The Daily Caller reported. Read More.

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