September 19, 2024


Lighten up: Not dating makes teens happier, study finds
Teens who had not dated during middle and high school were generally happier, less depressed, and dealt better with a variety of social situations compared to those who had dated, a study said. Read More.
Researcher documents Google's pro-Hillary bias
Google during the 2016 presidential election manipulated its search results in a way that benefited Hillary Clinton to the tune of up to 10.4 million votes, a political researcher — and Clinton supporter — said. Read More.
Bill Gertz indicts past China policy: 'We are in real trouble'
While the policy of “engagement” with China incorporated by past administrations was leading to utter failure, Beijing was focusing on becoming a military and economic power that would become a major threat to the United States, a leading reporter on China and its military said. Read More.
Dershowitz: Today's leftists as 'dangerous' as Stalinists
The hard-Left is a much greater threat to civil liberties in the United States than the hard-right, Harvard professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz wrote. Read More.
White House spells out Washington Post bias
In its reporting on the accomplishments of President Donald Trump from Memorial Day to Labor Day, The Washington Post characterized Trump’s performance as the “lost summer.” Read More.
Homeowner kills 4 a.m. intruders with bedside AR-15
A 61-year-old man armed with an AR-15 shot and killed two of four men who allegedly broke into his home in Summerfield, Florida in July. Read More.
Americans infuriated by the Dems' open borders crusade
Earlier this month, Defense Secretary Mark Esper agreed to reallocate $3.6 billion from the Pentagon budget for President Trump’s Big Beautiful Border Wall. Read More.
Why all the disappearing Republicans? Limbaugh's theory
Democrats are leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit of dirt to smear their Republican opponents and the result is more and more Republicans retiring, radio host Rush Limbaugh said. Read More.
'Storm' coming: Analyst warns Electoral College at risk
The Left has its sights set on eliminating the Electoral College and, if successful, the Senate could be the next U.S. institution to fall, a political analyst wrote. Read More.
U.S. embassy deletes Mugabe tribute after Carlson blast
Robert Mugabe, the brutal despot of Zimbabwe who was once a hero of the Left, died on Sept. 6 at age 95. Read More.
'Convicted sex offender' Roman Polanski wins major film prize
Roman Polanski, the director who is still loved by Hollywood’s elite despite his admission of being a child rapist, was awarded the Grand Jury Prize at the Venice International Film Festival for his film “An Officer and a Spy”, which is based on a book about a wrongfully accused man. Read More.
Iran-backed ‘electronic armies’ said to silence Iraqi critics
Pro-Iran factions in Iraq are deploying “electronic armies” to social media outlets in an attempt to silence their detractors, accusing them of being agents of Israel in what is tantamount to “incitements to murder,” a report said. Read More.
D.C.'s 'sanctuary' suburb gets unwanted crime coverage
Since July 25, seven illegal immigrants have been arrested on rape and sexual assault charges in Montgomery County, Maryland. Read More.
Part II : Still-powerful Hillary's corporate-feminist network
This week we'll look at a few more radical organizations with ties to the Hillary-created Vital Voices Global Partnership and the corporations that are helping them promote their progressive agenda. Read More.
Walmart, Kroger, Walgreens take action after shootings
In the past week, Walmart, Kroger and Walgreens all decided to ban the open carry of firearms in their stores. Read More.

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