July 26, 2024


The brainwashing of America: Millennials love socialism
According to a new poll conducted by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, 70% of millennials would likely vote for a socialist candidate. Read More.
Did ‘Biden’s point man on Ukraine’ seek to influence 2016 election?
The so-called Trump-Ukraine “whistleblower” is a leftist ruling-class prodigy who made his mark by spying on Americans for the CIA and Rep. Adam Schiff, a columnist noted. Read More.
Time to revisit rape claim against Clinton, says Farrow
Ronan Farrow, whose reporting helped spark the #MeToo movement, has said Juanita Broaddrick’s claim that she was raped by Bill Clinton is “credible” and is “due for revisiting.” Read More.
Photoshopped hero dog sends media into orbit
As the corporate media freaked out over an obviously joke photoshopped image of the hero dog from the al-Baghdadi raid, the Medal of Honor winner in the original photo was laughing. He got it — they didn’t. Or couldn’t because of where the joke originated from. Read More.
Don Jr. 'second only to my father' in death threats
In a book dedicated to the “deplorables” who failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton sneered about, Donald Trump Jr. said he and his siblings will not back down from the Left’s “viciousness.” Read More.
Rep. Omar cast lone Democrat vote against Turkey sanctions
Socialist Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar’s campaign has received $1,500 from the co-chairman of a Turkish-American advocacy group that is closely linked to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Federal Elections Commission records show. Read More.
Chilling: Kamala Harris, Kathy Tran and the Soros-Democrats
A prominent 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful from the most populous state in the country is associating herself with abortion rights up to the moment of birth. Read More.
Patriots? Obama's intel chiefs praise deep state, selves
A former acting director of the CIA essentially confirmed to an audience of friendly leftists on Oct. 30 that there is indeed a cadre of anti-Trumpers in the deep state who are determined to take down the president. Read More.
Flynn’s attorney reversed Weissmann's Enron cases
Sidney Powell, the attorney for former national security adviser Michael Flynn, rose to prominence in part by exposing the “abuses” of prosecutor Andrew Weissmann in the Enron scandal. Weissmann was a lead prosecutor in the Mueller Russia collusion investigation. Read More.
Sex and refugees: Corporate elites proudly fund toxic cocktail
Showing complete and utter disdain for any negative public relations fallout whatsoever, leading corporate brands have partnered with an ultra-radical organization that features a strident commitment to flooding America and Europe with Third World refugees and promoting the rights of "sex workers" via legalized prostitution. Read More.
Blame for California wildfires shifts to environmentalists
Democrats in California, beholden to environmentalists who insist on 100 percent “green” energy by 2045, are largely to blame for the wildfires that are devastating The Golden State, critics say. Read More.
Rohingya still in Burma fact 'risk of renewed genocide'
In a stunningly gloomy presentation, UN human rights experts reviewed the situation in Myanmar/aka Burma, the Southeast Asian country where the government continues to persecute, harass and eliminate members of minority religious groups, especially the Muslim Rohingya. Read More.
'Pajama boy’ outed as John Brennan's 'whistleblower'
The so-called Trump-Ukraine “whistleblower” has been revealed and now “we can expose” him “and everything about him,” radio host Rush Limbaugh said. Read More.
Unlike Obama, 'We chose to protect the Ukrainian people'
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo defended his boss and slammed Democrats for a partisan impeachment inquiry which arose from a phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine’s president which was “a matter of policy.” Read More.
‘The crisis over’: Border report credits Trump
Newly released border crossing data shows that President Donald Trump is making good on his promise to stop the surge of illegals entering the United States. Read More.

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