October 18, 2024


Barr blisters FBI: 'Nation was turned on its head for 3 years'
The FBI in its investigation of alleged Trump-Russia “collusion” went with information that was clearly “rubbish” from unreliable Russian sources and chose to wiretap Trump campaign officials but not to speak to the campaign itself, Attorney General William Barr said. Read More.
President a hit at Army/Navy game; Media sees white power
During the pre-game of Saturday’s Army-Navy football matchup, some of the service academies’ students were seen making the OK hand symbol in a way that for decades has been associated with the “circle game.” Read More.
Greta seems to take President's advice: 'I’m taking a break'
While skipping school and traveling the world (nice gig if you can get it), 16-year-old Greta Thunberg is often seen angrily scolding world leaders with lots of finger-wagging thrown in for good measure. Read More.
President Trump has 'one of his best weeks yet'
Democrats and the major media have by their own admission been focused for three years on any and all efforts to overturn the 2016 election. So it was no surprise that this past week, in their bubble, it was all about impeachment. Read More.
North Korea: From 'delicate path of dialogue' to brinksmanship
While dictator Kim Jung-Un is huffing and puffing about arbitrary deadlines to diplomatic negotiations between the United States and North Korea concerning Pyongyang’s nuclear and ballistic missile proliferation, the UN Security Council met to deliver a unified call for peace and disarmament on the divided Korean peninsula. Read More.
Levin sums it up: The Democrats 'need to be impeached'
President Donald Trump is upholding the U.S. Constitution, radio and TV host Mark Levin said on Thursday, adding that House Democrats are “the ones that need to be impeached." Read More.
'First Jewish President' acts to stem campus anti-Semitism
Amid a disturbing increase in anti-Semitic incidents on American college campuses, President Donald Trump on Dec. 11 issued an executive order which would withdraw federal funding from schools which fail to quickly investigate anti-Semitism and punish those involved. Read More.
Aspen Institute: A Who's Who of globalist has-beens
Of all the progressive globalist groups being financially aided by major corporations today, the Aspen Institute qualifies as something of an odd duck. Read More.
Bernie backs ‘outstanding progressive,’ bestiality supporter
So, a guy who believes it’s OK to have sex with animals is running to replace the woman who resigned for allegedly having sex with a congressional staffer and campaign staffer. Read More.
After Tory landslide, Trump sees 'harbinger'
Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Conservative Party on Thursday won a sizable majority in the British parliament and now says Brexit will become reality at the end of January. Read More.
Despots, crooks and loser top Forbes list of power women
A motley crew of female movers and shakers top Forbes’ “100 Most Powerful Women.” Read More.
FBI agent who falsified Carter Page's bio exposed but not named
An FBI attorney deceptively hid Trump campaign associate Carter Page’s history as a CIA informant in order to paint him as a Russian asset steeped in “collusion,” the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report noted. Read More.
China using supercomputers, 5G tech for total control
Communist China has tested in several of its major cities a new system which uses millions of cameras linked to supercomputers to compile databases on citizens in what critics say is an Orwellian move to control all behavior. Read More.
AOC compares raising children to dog breeding
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was widely mocked after what observers say was, during comments she made on paid maternity leave, her bizarre comparison between raising puppies and newborn children. Read More.
'Half a dozen' or 'higher': Democrats' nightmare scenario
At least six Democrats will join all Republicans in voting against impeaching President Donald Trump, a report said. Read More.

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