October 17, 2024


Karma: Taylor Swift reaps what she sowed with the Left, Soros
Apolitical until she jumped on the Democratic Party bandwagon in 2018, entertainer Taylor Swift apparently is not so jubilant with Democrats now, particularly billionaire leftist and major Democrat donor George Soros. Read More.
Hiring illegals could put you in the slammer
The negative effects of illegal immigration on the wages of working Americans are acute when it comes to the construction industry. Read More.
Judgement Day: President called for prayer; Veteran reporter's synopsis
As the partisan impeachment process moved toward a vote in the House of Representatives, President Donald Trump asked Americans to turn to their faith. Read More.
Judgement Day: Two systems of American justice?
Curious minds want to know: When Hillary Clinton says “In America, no one is above the law”, does that include Democrats? Former presidents? And herself? Read More.
Dismantling the deep state: What Barr, Durham are up to
What is really going on at the top levels of the U.S. Department of Justice? Read More.
Navy pilots demand right to bear arms on Pensacola base
Following the Dec. 6 terror attack in Pensacola, Florida where three American sailors were killed and eight wounded, a group of U.S. Navy instructor pilots has asked the Pentagon for permission to arm themselves on base. Read More.
Mayor Pete catches heat for raking in Silicon Valley cash
As the Democratic Party tightens its embrace on socialism, the sin of accepting contributions from big-money donors takes the spotlight. Read More.
Conservative uprising in Seoul protests unchecked ruling party
South Korea’s National Assembly on Monday canceled a vote on fast-tracked legislation being pushed by leftist President Moon Jae-In after a massive protest by opposition lawmakers and their supporters in the streets outside the parliament. Read More.
Brits defy media, lay groundwork for potential Trump landslide
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his merry band of Brexiteers recently wiped the floor with those who wish to remain in the European Union. Read More.
'Sloppiness,' explains Comey; ‘Where’s the apologies, Jim?’ asks Trump
Disgraced ex-FBI Director James Comey only admitted to wrongdoing in the bureau’s Russia investigation “because he got caught red handed,” President Donald Trump said. Read More.
Nunes advises Schiff to seek help, admit 'you have a problem'
House Intelligence Committee ranking Republican Rep. Devin Nunes said committee chair Adam Schiff is “in need of rehabilitation” after Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s FISA report contradicted Schiff’s past claims. Read More.
U.S. ousts Chinese diplomats who entered special ops base
The Trump administration has expelled two Chinese diplomats who reportedly breached a U.S. Special Operations base in Virginia. Read More.
Election data irregularities still rampant in NC
What is now clear is that if North Carolina does not take on the issue of election fraud in January, nothing will be done to correct any of it in time for the 2020 election cycle. Read More.
Report: Iran protesters 'massacred', witnesses arrested
Amnesty International has reported that at least 304 people were killed in Iran during a three-day crackdown against protests in November. Read More.
Proof Time's time has passed
Time Magazine’s choice of the Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg as Person of the Year 2019 may be a symbol of old media’s dwindling influence. Read More.

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