September 07, 2024


Iconic Minnesota brands' globalist agenda remakes state
Three major companies that trace their roots in Minnesota back well over 100 years are actively supporting the effort to forever change the state's population via massive Third World immigration. Read More.
'Constitutional law scholar' Streisand explains impeachment
Rest assured America, Barbra Streisand has spoken on impeachment. Read More.
Japan’s Marines have returned . . . to defend key islands from China
Rising tension between Japan and China intensifying has led the Japanese Marines to re-form a fighting force that has not been seen since World War II. Read More.
Congressman: Educating illegals' children costs U.S. $60 billion a year
The cost to the American taxpayer to educate the children of illegals and refugees is staggering, a Republican congressman said during a Dec. 4 hearing. Read More.
4 IG reports have already exposed top-level FBI misdeeds
As nervous deep staters and their major media allies sweat the Dec. 9 release of the Department of Justice inspector general’s report on alleged FBI abuses in the Trump-Russia investigation, the record already shows a slew of FBI misdeeds. Read More.
Hillary comes out? 'I was popular' and I 'like men'
Was it gutsy for Hillary Clinton to come out to Howard Stern — as a heterosexual? Read More.
'Overwhelming and bipartisan'? Nine months later, Pelosi changes
Republicans slammed House Judiciary Committee Democrats for calling a trio of partisan law professors they say clearly suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome as witnesses in Wednesday’s impeachment hearing. Read More.
George Soros and the remaking of American values
George Soros frequently uses immigration and racial issues to manipulate and mislead poorly informed Christians eager to embrace anything that makes them feel good and facilitates virtue-signaling. Read More.
The death of Epstein's banker: Follow the money
The Epstein story seems an endless labyrinth. Every day, the latest news adds a twist – a new dark corridor to pursue – to wit, another mysterious Epstein-linked death. Read More.
Big story: Brit press finds Clinton-Epstein newsworthy
It's a political scandal story with tabloid sizzle that is of interest to most Americans of all political stripes. But the involvement of Bill and Hillary Clinton in the Jeffrey Epstein network has been largely ignored by the corporate media in the United States. Not so "across the pond." Read More.
AR-15 sales boom: 'Thank you Beto O’Rourke'
There are 422.9 million firearms in circulation in the United States according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). Read More.
'Sickening'? Surviving Democrat candidates are all white
Sen. Kamala Harris announced on Dec. 3 she was ending her quest for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. Read More.
President Trump's 'war' on cartels starts with 'terrorist' designation
U.S. President Donald Trump said he intends to designate Mexico's drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations. Read More.
The social media gods vs basic American freedoms
One must wonder how many right-wing websites have landed at the base of the leftist social media mountain in a broken and battered heap. Read More.
'Capitalism is failing us,' says actor worth $30 million
Actor Mark Ruffalo tweeted on Dec. 1: “It’s time for an economic revolution. Capitalism today is failing us, killing us, and robbing from our children’s future.” Read More.

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