July 27, 2024


Michelle Obama laments 'white flight' from hometown
Growing up on the South Side of Chicago, Michelle Obama said she felt from an early age a “sense of injustice” as “white folks” fled her neighborhood. Read More.
Six Gulf states and U.S. announce sanctions on Iran proxies
The United States and six of its Gulf allies on Oct. 30 announced sanctions on 25 entities linked to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Lebanon-based Iranian terror proxy Hizbullah. Read More.
Pompeo on China: 'American people didn’t get the full story'
The Trump administration, unlike past administrations, recognizes and is addressing “the degree to which the Chinese Communist Party is truly hostile to the United States and our values,” U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Oct. 30. Read More.
House Dems’ resolution cements hyper-partisan charade
Having for three years called President Donald Trump a criminal, the Democrats obviously do not recognize the concept of due process. Read More.
How did Epstein die? Expert disputes NYC medical examiner's ruling
A noted forensic pathologist hired by the brother of Jeffrey Epstein, the wealthy and well-connected pedophile who is alleged to have killed himself in a New York City jail cell, said evidence does not support the city medical examiner’s finding of suicide as the cause of Epstein’s death. Read More.
How Obama's Intel Community launched its ‘paper coup’
The coup being waged against President Donald Trump by Democrats and their media allies was set in motion by the Obama administration immediately after the 2016 election, author Lee Smith writes in his new book. Read More.
More speak Spanish at home in U.S. than in most Latin countries
More than half of the residents in 90 of America’s major cities speak a non-English language at home, according to Census Bureau data. Read More.
Obsessed: Media rolls out wall-to-wall impeachment coverage
All impeachment, all the time. The volume of stories pumped out for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s green-lighting of impeachment proceedings surged 73 percent compared to coverage of the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, an analysis found. Read More.
How the U.S. tracked down al-Baghdadi
Some of the key information that led U.S. Special Forces to the hideout of Islamic State (ISIS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi came from the wife of an al-Baghdadi aide and one of the couriers the ISIS leader paid in order to avoid using mobile phones and computers. Read More.
Trump challenges global elites, transforms U.S. foreign policy
We may have just experienced a textbook trifecta of Trump’s America First policies: first, remove our forces from danger when vital national interests are not in play; second, negotiate a peace deal; third, search for and destroy America’s terrorist enemies. Read More.
Baghdadi buried at sea as U.S.-backed Kurdish forces mop up
In the days following the operation that took out Islamic State (ISIS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, U.S.-backed Kurdish forces in Syria took aim at the remnants of the terror group’s leadership. Read More.
Stalin, Mao? Media won't challenge AOC, Bernie
The major media are allowing Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to spout socialist ideology without being challenged, Sen. Rand Paul said. Read More.
Free speech documentary shows 'how nuts it is out there'
“Since 1776, free speech has never been less protected than today,” radio host and WorldTribune columnist Dennis Prager said. Read More.
Biden denied communion at South Carolina church
A Catholic Church in South Carolina on Sunday denied Joe Biden communion due to his staunch pro-abortion stance. Read More.
Communism celebrates its centennial, China and AOC
On the 100th anniversary of its founding, Communist International called on its “comrades” around the globe to defeat capitalism and “imperialism”, to resist U.S. President Donald Trump, and to embrace China, North Korea, Cuba and U.S. socialist politicians such as Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Read More.

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