October 22, 2024


Levin: Less liberty than before Revolutionary War
Congress continues to pass massive spending bills in the dead of night and is content to hide exactly what is contained in those bills from the voters who elected them, host Mark Levin said Sunday on Fox News Channel’s “Life, Liberty & Levin”. Read More.
Flynn: Enemies 'clear-eyed on corrupt' U.S. leaders
America's enemies in the Kremlin and in the Chinese Communist Party's halls of power are "clear eyed" on the "corrupt political leadership" in Washington, D.C., Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn noted in an Aug. 15 post on Telegram. Read More.
Westchester NY finds it is hub for shipping illegals
Another day, another story about U.S. residents dealing with dangerous influxes of illegal aliens as they are in the process of being transported into America’s Heartland. Read More.
Hawaii whistleblower: 'More patients dying from vaccine than Covid'
"I’ve seen more patients die from the vaccine than from Covid,” said a board certified occupational therapist who worked in three Covid units in Hawaii. Read More.
Who is Adam Kinzinger? The System's man from the start
He was a Republican congressman using the term “undocumented” way back in 2014. Read More.
Antifa attacks anti-vax mandate protest in LA
A group of activists who were protesting vaccine mandates in Los Angels on Saturday were attacked by Antifa thugs, reports from the scene say. Read More.
Nunes lawsuit against WaPo allowed to proceed
Rep. Devin Nunes's defamation lawsuit against The Washington Post can proceed, a federal judge ruled on Wednesday. Read More.
Euthanasia surges in leftist Canada
Here’s a statistic that has flown under the radar amid the greater chaos of 2021: Nearly 7,600 Canadians chose to die via MAiD (medical assistance in dying) in 2020, an increase of 35 percent over the previous year, the latest numbers released by Health Canada show. Read More.
Biden said it couldn't happen: Taliban owns Kabul
The Taliban on Sunday took over Kabul, triggering a massive effort to airlift U.S. personnel which only last month Joe Biden vowed could never happen. Read More.
Cruz blocks Dems' attempt to federalize elections
In the early hours of Wednesday morning, Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz stopped Democrats in their attempt to federalize U.S. elections. Read More.
Prof. Clements details 2020 'vote trafficking cartel'
During the final day of Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium, former prosecutor David Clements discussed the overwhelming amount of evidence of fraud in the 2020 election, saying he's never had a case with so much clear evidence in his career. Read More.
Republicans ignoring Jan. 6 political prisoners
Trials are supposed to begin within 70 days of indictment. Hundreds of Trump supporters who were at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 have been held in prison without trial for seven months. Read More.
Ex-border chief: 40,000 infected immigrants sent to U.S. cities
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has transported an estimated 40,000 Covid-infected migrants to cities throughout the United States, former border chief Mark Morgan said. Read More.
Lindell: Voting machines wiped in Wisconsin, New Hampshire
A state representative from Wisconsin and a voter integrity group from New Hampshire told the audience on Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium on Wednesday that voting machines in their states are being wiped clean well before the 22-month retention requirement. Read More.
Hanson: America must 'wake up from wokeness'
America must "wake up from wokeness," historian and columnist Victor Davis Hanson declared. Read More.

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