September 07, 2024

U.S. Politics

Report: AOC fundraises for Antifa
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in an Aug. 31 tweet promoted a fundraiser seeking bail money for several people, including Antifa members, who were arrested in a counter-protest of the “Straight Pride Parade” in Boston this past weekend, The Daily Caller reported. Read More.
A proposed fix for censorship by ‘tech oligarchs’
“Tech oligarchs” at Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other Silicon Valley giants are pushing a leftist agenda while trashing the First Amendment via widespread censoring of conservatives, Rep. Devin Nunes said in a Sept. 1 interview with Breitbart News. Read More.
Report: Comey met Trump hoping for ‘dossier’ evidence
Ex-FBI chief James Comey was fishing for Trump-Russia collusion evidence when he brought up the discredited dossier during a Jan. 6, 2017 Trump Tower meeting with then-President-elect Donald Trump, according to a report by the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General. Read More.
DNC embraces ‘religiously unaffiliated,’ not believers
The Democratic Party on Aug. 24 officially became the party of atheists, agnostics, and humanists. Read More.
Court allows depositions of Hillary Clinton, lawyer
A federal judge granted Judicial Watch seven additional depositions, three interrogatories and four document requests related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private, unauthorized email server. Read More.
Gowdy on Comey: What temperature is 'Hell right now'?
Disgraced ex-FBI Director James Comey called on his critics to apologize since he was not charged for allegedly leaking to the media classified information from memos of his talks with President Donald Trump. Read More.
Ilhan Omar, most media ignore her alleged affair
Rep. Ilhan Omar is alleged to have had an extramarital affair with a fundraising consultant whom her campaign paid over $200,000. Read More.
Comey had 'FBI laptop waiting for him' after Trump meeting
Prior to the January 6, 2017 meeting at Trump Tower in which then-FBI Director James Comey briefed then-President-elect Donald Trump on the infamous anti-Trump dossier, Comey and his team of investigators discussed the need to “memorialize” the meeting, according to a report released on Aug. 29 by the Justice Department’s inspector general. Read More.
Bernie praises China amid Hong Kong crisis
American socialists have had quite the week. While Sen. Bernie Sanders was touting communist China as a shining beacon of economic progress, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was hailing “badass” Millennials as truly America’s greatest generation. Read More.
Report: Under Obama, religion erased in VA hospitals
The current secretary of Veterans Affairs slammed the Obama administration for attempting to all but erase religion from the veterans’ health care system, a report said. Read More.
Levin vets Democrat psychiatrist who vets candidates
Amid a torrent of gaffes on the 2020 Democratic campaign trail, Joe Biden has been dubbed by President Donald Trump as "Crazy Joe." For his part, Biden assures voters, "I want to be clear, I'm not going nuts." Read More.
Americans warned about Chinese surveillance tech
The ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has placed more the 200 million cameras throughout China to closely surveil and track the populace. Read More.
Guess who's not happy about 'Monopoly: Socialism' game
“You seem to be doing too well for yourself. That’s not how socialism works.” That’s the message on one of the game cards included in Monopoly: Socialism, Hasbro’s parody version of its iconic board game Monopoly. Read More.
Hanson: The Left's fevered imagination about Trump
The Left’s “pathological hatred” of President Donald Trump and his supporters has “blinded them to the actual record of governance,” historian Victor Davis Hanson noted. Read More.
‘Women for Trump’ cites heavy turnout of volunteers
The Trump 2020 campaign said that turnout at last week's “Women for Trump” events was double what had been anticipated and flies in the face of corporate media reports which claim that women are rejecting the president’s re-election effort. Read More.

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