July 26, 2024

U.S. Politics

Guess who's not happy about 'Monopoly: Socialism' game
“You seem to be doing too well for yourself. That’s not how socialism works.” That’s the message on one of the game cards included in Monopoly: Socialism, Hasbro’s parody version of its iconic board game Monopoly. Read More.
Hanson: The Left's fevered imagination about Trump
The Left’s “pathological hatred” of President Donald Trump and his supporters has “blinded them to the actual record of governance,” historian Victor Davis Hanson noted. Read More.
‘Women for Trump’ cites heavy turnout of volunteers
The Trump 2020 campaign said that turnout at last week's “Women for Trump” events was double what had been anticipated and flies in the face of corporate media reports which claim that women are rejecting the president’s re-election effort. Read More.
The RINO Mod Squad: And then there was one
Before there was the Squad, that wacky team of radical extremist Democrat superheroes in Congress led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), the GOP had its Mod Squad, a group of “moderate” Republican senators who met once a week for lunch around the turn of the century. Former Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) confirmed that he would regularly get together with notorious RINO Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA), Sen. Jim Jeffords (R-VT), and Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine in a spirit of non-conservative-elephant commiseration. Read More.
Silicon Valley, like China, sets social media credit scores
Communist China has instituted a social credit system in which the country’s residents receive negative scores for such things as supporting the Falun Gong or Tibetan Buddhism, criticizing the government, and smoking or playing loud music on trains. Read More.
'America's toughest sheriff' wants his job back
Joe Arpaio announced on Aug. 25, two years to the day that he was pardoned by President Donald Trump, that he is running again for sheriff of Maricopa County in Arizona. Read More.
Judge rules taxpayers must pay for transgender surgeries
An Obama-appointed judge has determined that Wisconsin’s taxpayers are on the hook for sex reassignment surgery for some trans persons. Read More.
Analysis: Justice Ginsburg and haters of the late David Koch
Liberal icon Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recently underwent three weeks of radiation treatment at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York after a cancerous tumor was discovered on her pancreas. Read More.
'More progressive' drag queen challenges Rep. Schiff
Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff has a challenger for the California congressional seat he has held since 2013. According to a report by Route Fifty, the challenger is drag queen Maebe A. Girl. Read More.
AOC: Electoral College [that elected Obama] is racist
The de facto leader of the Democratic Party, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, insists that the Electoral College is a racist “scam.” Read More.
Analysis: After 3 years in denial , DNC suffers real panic attack
There’s real panic in DNC land. So much so that the Democrats are turning to Hillary Clinton and Mexico for a fundraising miracle. In July, the Republican National Committee (RNC) nearly tripled the fundraising of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Read More.
Warren seeks peace with non-Cherokee Native Americans
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who long boasted of her Cherokee ancestry and even used it disingenuously to get a leg up in the professional world, says she is sorry. Read More.
American flags waved in Hong Kong, burned by Antifa here
As Antifa thugs escalate their reign of violence in the U.S., President Donald Trump said he is considering designating the so-called “antifascists” a terror organization. Read More.
Court orders Maryland to produce Montgomery County voter registration list
In a dispute over voter registration transparency, Democratic officials in Maryland attempted to smear government watchdog group Judicial Watch as an agent of Russia. The watchdog group ended up trumping Maryland's Russia card. Read More.
Democrats need the 'Squad'? 'They’re the force out there'
During a February interview on MSNBC, Michael Moore declared Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the leader of the Democratic Party. On Aug. 16, the leftist filmmaker said Democrats will triumph in 2020 if AOC and “the squad” are embraced as the party’s leaders. Read More.

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