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  • Source: FreePressers
  • 12/02/2019
FPI / December 1, 2019

Another poll has showed that President Donald Trump’s support among minorities is growing exponentially.

A Marist poll released over the Thanksgiving weekend, which escaped the notice of the major media, found that 33 percent of non-whites approve of the job Trump is doing, and 29 percent say they would “vote for president Trump.”

Both the Emerson and Rasmussen polls from last week show Trump’s approval rating among black Americans is 34 percent.

The findings of the three polls are disastrous for Democrats, analysts say, and point to a potential Trump landslide in 2020.

Ohio Pastor Darrell Scott said that Trump is the “the most pro-black president that we've had in our lifetime.”

A recent RealClear Politics op-ed noted that black Americans are beginning to say such things as “The Democrats just want our votes, not our babies. The Democrats don’t care about our children getting a good education, while they send their own children to private schools. They talk about helping us climb the economic ladder of success, but it is Donald Trump that has finally begun to make that happen.”

During the recent "Black Voices for Trump" conference in Atlanta, Trump told the audience: “We're going to campaign for every last African-American vote in 2020. We've done more for African-Americans in three years than the broken Washington establishment has done in more than 30 years."

And, according to the New York Times, Trump added that "the Democrat Party already left you a long time ago … if you don't want liberal extremists to run your lives, then today we say welcome to the Republican Party."

In a Nov. 13 op-ed for the Washington Examiner, Vernon Robinson III and Bruce Eberle, wrote:
Clearly, Trump’s attention to black voters, his signing of the First Step prison reform bill, and his policies creating the lowest unemployment rate for black Americans in history have had an impact.

Also important, a number of prominent black Americans who have moved from the Democratic Party to back Trump, such as Candace Owens, and the recording star Kanye West, have not done so quietly, nor have they acted defensively. They have refused to be shamed into silence by the Democrats and the left-leaning news media.

Instead, like their forbears in the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s, they have gone on offense, courageously exposing the fact that the policies of today’s Democratic Party are often completely foreign to the values and aspirations of black Americans. Perhaps that’s why current polls show black support for Trump approaching 30 percent — a dangerously high number for Democrats.

If Trump wins even that much of the black vote, he will be reelected in a landslide. The movement of black Americans to Trump may not be as dramatic as the shift to FDR in 1936, but it may well be significant enough to create a red wave victory in 2020.
Free Press International

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