July 27, 2024

U.S. Politics

Secret Planned Parenthood mega clinic set to open
Planned Parenthood in mid-October will open a massive abortion center in Illinois that was built in secret using a shell company, a report said. Read More.
Rep. Tlaib remarks outrage Detroit police
Detroit Police Chief James Craig said it was “insulting” and “racist” for socialist Rep. Rashida Tlaib to insist that only black people should be employed on the department’s facial recognition team. Read More.
'Busiest sector' of Texas border to get wall in 2020
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Army Corps of Engineers have awarded three contracts to build up to 65 miles of border wall along the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) region in Texas. Read More.
Report: Democrats, media mined Ukraine for Trump dirt
As new details emerged on Democrats’ efforts to attack President Donald Trump via Ukraine, the Biden camp, caught up in its own Ukraine scandal, showed signs of desperation as it demanded media stop booking Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani. Read More.
Strategic deceit initiative: Democrats have simple plan
According to Reuters/Ipsos polling, Sen. Elizabeth Warren is the only candidate for the 2020 Democratic nomination to consistently increase her level of support over the past six months. Read More.
Mainstream media a hit only with Democrats
Just 13 percent of Americans say they have “a great deal” of confidence in what radio, TV, newspapers, and news websites are reporting, according to a new Gallup survey. Read More.
Report: Trump to cut refugee influx by 80 percent
President Donald Trump will fulfill a 2016 campaign promise by cutting the inflow of refugees by 80 percent in 2020, the State Department said on Sept. 26. Read More.
Limbaugh: Latest anti-Trump narrative a 'nothing burger'
The entire Trump-Ukraine story is just another “nothing burger” and a way for Democrats and their “media brethren” to continue their non-stop investigations of President Donald Trump, radio host Rush Limbaugh said on Sept. 25. Read More.
Biden scandal used as trigger for impeachment
U.S. Democrats were turning the screws on Ukraine long before Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani’s discussions with Ukrainian officials. Read More.
Flynn attorney stiffs Schiff
Michael Flynn’s attorney said he will not testify before the House Intelligence Committee because the committee chair, Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, disregards ethics in his “theatrical demand” for Flynn to appear. Read More.
White House ‘Whistleblower’ lacked 'direct knowledge'
Major holes are opening in the story being pushed by Democrats and the corporate media which suggests President Donald Trump somehow coerced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a July phone call. Read More.
White supremacy? Candace Owens cites larger threat
A list of the top 100 threats to black America would not include white supremacy, Blexit founder Candace Owens said in testimony before the House Oversight Joint Subcommittee Hearing on Confronting White Supremacy on Sept. 20. Read More.
Documents: State Dept. key to anti-Trump collusion
Documents obtained by a government watchdog group reveal that former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele had an extensive and close working relationship dating back to May of 2014 with high-ranking Obama State Department officials. Read More.
'Feel the fear': Left use kids to push climate change
The House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Select Committee on the Climate Crisis on Sept. 18 held a hearing billed as “Voices Leading the Next Generation on the Global Climate Crisis”. Read More.
Leandowski mocks Nadler's 'impeachment inquiry'
Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski frustrated Democrats and delighted his former boss during a Sept. 17 House Judiciary Committee “impeachment inquiry” hearing titled "Presidential Obstruction of Justice and Abuse of Power". Read More.

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