January 21, 2025

U.S. Politics

State of the Union? Pelosi's 'mumbling' was distraction
During last week’s State of the Union address, President Donald Trump said he was driven to distraction by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s persistent “mumbling.” Read More.
NY Democrats line up to primary 'no show' AOC
Former CNBC anchor Michelle Caruso-Cabrera on Monday filed to run for Congress in New York’s 14th district. Read More.
Ilhan Omar: Blaming America first, last, always
At a Democracy Now and Rising Majority event in Washington, D.C. on Friday, Rep. Ilhan Omar complained that people are not connecting the dots to be able to see that America is responsible for everything bad that happens all around the world, analysts noted. Read More.
Virginia officers won't rule out door-to-door gun law enforcement
Included in Democrats’ new gun control legislation in Virginia is a ban on firearm suppressors. Read More.
Bongino on Buttigieg: Manages 'to never answer a question'
Since his rise in the polls and alleged victory in the Iowa caucuses, Pete Buttigieg is getting much more attention from his competitors for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. Read More.
GOP braces for new round of post-impeachment attacks
The White House is already bracing for and Democrats are wholeheartedly dedicated to impeachment 2.0, a report said. Read More.
'Sham' bill would require audit of impeachment's 'true costs'
A Republican lawmaker is asking the Government Accountability Office (GAO) for a full account of the money, time, and loss pf productivity "wasted" on the Democrats' partisan impeachment of President Donald Trump. Read More.
Rock star: Left's bid to silence Rep. Stefanik falls on deaf ears
Leftists went hard after Rep. Elise Stefanik after she refused to be silenced by Rep. Adam Schiff during the House impeachment inquiry. Read More.
How Bloomberg used his money to both win and govern
Michael Bloomberg is worth an estimated $56 billion. He spent a record $261 million on his three successful campaigns for mayor of New York City and is pumping millions more into his long-shot run at the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. Read More.
Iowa disaster: Results too little too late for Democrats
After discovering the problem which caused Monday’s debacle in the Iowa caucuses, the state’s Democratic Party said it would release the results, or at least half of the results, late on Tuesday afternoon. Read More.
8 Iowa counties’ have more registered than eligible voters
Judicial Watch announced that at least eight Iowa counties have voter registration rolls larger than their voting age population. Read More.
Democrats' new-old game plan: 'Politics of jealousy'
Divide to conquer. That is how Democrats are approaching the 2020 elections, a columnist wrote. Read More.
Game over? Sen. Paul sees continued Democrat asssault
The announcements by Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Lamar Alexander all but assured the Senate will move to quickly end the impeachment proceedings with a likely acquittal of President Donald Trump in a matter of days. Read More.
Bolton’s 'lack of credibility'? That was then, this is now
Democrats who in the past said John Bolton has no credibility now say his testimony is essential to the “search for truth” in the Senate impeachment trial. Read More.
Biden signals return of both Obamas in his administration
Joe Biden on Tuesday hinted that both his former boss and the wife of his former boss could play leading roles in a Biden administration. Read More.

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