September 07, 2024

U.S. Politics

Limbaugh: Biden knows he can't mention Creator
What many saw as one of Joe Biden's latest gaffes wasn't really a gaffe at all, radio host Rush Limbaugh noted. Read More.
Call from Obama: ‘Establishment’ suddenly rallies behind Biden
While not surprised that the Democratic Party establishment would close ranks against socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Sanders campaign was reportedly caught off guard by just how quickly establishment Democrats coalesced around Joe Biden. Read More.
Trump fundraising breaks records: $86 million in February
The Trump campaign and Republican National Committee (RNC) in February took in $86 million in its largest digital fundraising haul for one month since 2016. Read More.
CPAC finale: President slams Swamp, hails Afghan deal
President Donald Trump on Saturday entertained a major conservative gathering and slammed the “hate-filled left-wing mob” that has tried but failed to oust him. Read More.
Israeli scientists to have coronavirus vaccine in ‘weeks’
Israeli scientists will have the first vaccine against the novel coronavirus in a matter of weeks, Israeli Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis said. Read More.
Superdelegates poised to derail the Bernie train?
A group of Democratic superdelegates told The New York Times that they would be willing to sacrifice party unity in order to stop Bernie Sanders from getting the party’s presidential nomination. Read More.
Bloomberg boast: 'I bought' Democrat majority in House
Mike Bloomberg is approaching half a billion dollars spent on his current attempt to buy the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. Read More.
Whose side is Bloomberg on? Billionaire always defends China
Billionaire and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg has gone to alarming lengths over the years to avoid provoking China’s autocratic government in the interest of preserving Chinese interests in his global corporation. Read More.
Out of Biden's mind: Did climate deal with Deng Xiaoping?
While citing his accomplishments as vice president in the Obama administration, Joe Biden on Monday claimed that he had worked on the Paris Climate Agreement with China's Deng Xiaoping. Read More.
Wild about 'Cuban revolution'? He can 'kiss Florida goodbye'
Florida will not be in play for Democrats if Bernie Sanders does indeed go on to win the party’s 2020 presidential nomination, an activist said. Read More.
Drip, drip: FBI emails reveal new clues on Clinton-Trump probes
Judicial Watch announced it received emails between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page whichshow former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in her interview with the FBI about her email controversy apologized for “the work and effort” it caused the bureau and saying she chose to use it “out of convenience” and that “it proved to be anything but.” Read More.
Warren laps the field: Green New Deal doesn’t 'go far enough'
Sen. Elizabeth Warren says the $93 trillion Green New Deal does not “go far enough” in addressing what she says is the biggest problem facing the world today, climate change. Read More.
Roger Stone gets jail time; President charges unequal justice
Roger Stone on Thursday was sentenced to more than three years in prison. Read More.
Democrats' lurch left seen costing Latino votes
President Donald Trump has a solid base of Latino support that is only growing as the president's economy keeps humming. Read More.
Weaponizing wealth: What Bloomberg is getting for his money
Billionaire Mike Bloomberg has pumped more than $360 million of his personal fortune into his upstart bid for the 2020 Democratic Party presidential nomination. Read More.

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