September 16, 2024

U.S. Politics

'Promises kept’: Border wall cam to stream proof
The Trump administration's "wall cam" is set to go live this week. Read More.
Bill Maher disgusted with media’s ‘panic porn’
The corporate media's constant "gloom and doom" reporting on the coronavirus crisis has become "panic porn," comedian Bill Maher said. Read More.
'We can corral the coronavirus': Texas leads way back to normal
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Friday issued a series of executive orders aimed at re-opening the state amid the coronavirus crisis. Read More.
War: DNC tweets out NY Times, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, ….
During his Saturday briefing on the coronavirus outbreak, President Donald Trump offered some remarks on the corporate media's coverage of the crisis. “The media has been, some very honest but some very dishonest.” Read More.
‘Republican AOC’ in Florida? 'She's young, she's feisty'
Has Florida found the conservative answer to socialist Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Read More.
As millions lose their jobs, Pelosi copes with designer ice cream
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who critics say has done everything in her power to block coronavirus stimulus help to small businesses, is boasting about the designer ice cream in the freezer at her San Francisco area mansion. Read More.
South Dakota rejects lockdown, 'establishment consensus'
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is one of the few who have resisted ordering a lockdown amid the coronavirus outbreak. Read More.
'So legitimate': Let's talk about Biden allegations, says AOC
The sexual assault allegation against presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is a "legitimate" topic for conversation, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said. Read More.
Business owner to governor: ‘You created this tragedy’
A North Carolina business owner, in a letter to Gov. Roy Cooper, appealed to the governor to lift the coronavirus quarantine that the business owner says is devastating the state. Read More.
Hawley plan would 'protect every single job', add jobs from China
The government should "cover 80 percent of wages for workers at any U.S. business, up to the national median wage" until the coronavirus crisis is over, Sen. Josh Hawley said. Read More.
Order by governor sets stage for 'reopening Texas businesses'
Gov. Greg Abbott said Texas will soon be re-opening businesses that have been shuttered amid the coronavirus crisis. Read More.
White House newsletter slams VOA's pro-China coverage
Voice of American (VOA) "amplified Beijing’s propaganda" by calling the Chinese Communist Party regime's Wuhan coronavirus lockdown "a successful 'model' copied by much of the world," according to an April 9 article in 1600 Daily, an online newsletter and email produced by the White House. Read More.
Court upholds Texas on abortions as nonessential procedures
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's order to suspend most abortions in the state during the coronavirus crisis was upheld by a federal appeals court on Tuesday. Read More.
Back to normal? Not an option in USA as it is in Austria, Denmark
Even as the coronavirus infections appear to be receding in some of the hardest hit areas, it is still “taboo” in many circles to even talk about returning back to normal in the United States, Fox News host Tucker Carlson said. Read More.
Bidens say they're close with six grandkids; No mention of 7th
During what they called a "Family Town Hall on COVD-19," Joe and Jill Biden talked about how they have six grandchildren, with Joe saying that "every single day I either talk to them or we text.” Read More.

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