September 07, 2024

U.S. Politics

113,000 DOJ employees donate to Democrats, 20:1
Federal Election Commission records confirm that, when it reaches into its very deep pockets for campaign donations to dole out, the deep state more often than not goes for the Left pocket. Read More.
Virginia Dems' Assault weapons ban gunned down in committee
Virginia Democrats' move to ban assault weapons was rejected by the state Senate's Judiciary Committee on Monday. Read More.
2 systems of justice? Snowballing evidence deflected by Biden
Several observers and commentators are wondering if the Bidens will walk after seeing the two-tier D.C. swamp justice system at work as, one by one, deep staters, Democrats and members of the Trump “resistance” continue to get off scot-free while Trump loyalists have the book thrown at them. Read More.
No more Mr. Nice Guy: Loyalist fired by Kelly returns
In his post-acquittal initiative to finally clean the federal government of Obama holdovers and “never-Trumpers,” President Donald Trump has appointed a trusted loyalist to head up the Presidential Personnel Office, reports say. Read More.
Is election interference by DNC again targeting Sanders?
Hacked Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails confirmed that the party rigged the 2016 primary against socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders. Is the fix in again in 2020? Read More.
'Pathetic'? Bloomberg reveals 'fatal political weakness'
Mike Bloomberg’s campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, funded by the billionaire’s own enormous personal fortune, has barely gotten off the ground. But he has already “exposed fatal political weakness,” a columnist noted. Read More.
After targeting guns, Virginia takes on electoral college
Having already used their newly gained power to launch assaults on the First and Second Amendments, the Democratic majority in Virginia now has its sights set on helping to essentially eliminate the Electoral College. Read More.
How's Bloomberg's golf game? Trump tweets about 'Mini' Mike
While he is spending big in his quest for the Democratic presidential nomination, “big” is definitely not a word to describe Mike Bloomberg’s golf game, President Donald Trump says. Read More.
Gallup poll shock: Voters ‘better off’ in record results
A significantly higher number of Americans say they are “better off” under the Trump presidency than they were during the years his four predecessors were up for re-election, a new poll found. Read More.
State of the Union? Pelosi's 'mumbling' was distraction
During last week’s State of the Union address, President Donald Trump said he was driven to distraction by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s persistent “mumbling.” Read More.
NY Democrats line up to primary 'no show' AOC
Former CNBC anchor Michelle Caruso-Cabrera on Monday filed to run for Congress in New York’s 14th district. Read More.
Ilhan Omar: Blaming America first, last, always
At a Democracy Now and Rising Majority event in Washington, D.C. on Friday, Rep. Ilhan Omar complained that people are not connecting the dots to be able to see that America is responsible for everything bad that happens all around the world, analysts noted. Read More.
Virginia officers won't rule out door-to-door gun law enforcement
Included in Democrats’ new gun control legislation in Virginia is a ban on firearm suppressors. Read More.
Bongino on Buttigieg: Manages 'to never answer a question'
Since his rise in the polls and alleged victory in the Iowa caucuses, Pete Buttigieg is getting much more attention from his competitors for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. Read More.
GOP braces for new round of post-impeachment attacks
The White House is already bracing for and Democrats are wholeheartedly dedicated to impeachment 2.0, a report said. Read More.

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