January 25, 2025

U.S. Politics

White House newsletter slams VOA's pro-China coverage
Voice of American (VOA) "amplified Beijing’s propaganda" by calling the Chinese Communist Party regime's Wuhan coronavirus lockdown "a successful 'model' copied by much of the world," according to an April 9 article in 1600 Daily, an online newsletter and email produced by the White House. Read More.
Court upholds Texas on abortions as nonessential procedures
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's order to suspend most abortions in the state during the coronavirus crisis was upheld by a federal appeals court on Tuesday. Read More.
Back to normal? Not an option in USA as it is in Austria, Denmark
Even as the coronavirus infections appear to be receding in some of the hardest hit areas, it is still “taboo” in many circles to even talk about returning back to normal in the United States, Fox News host Tucker Carlson said. Read More.
Bidens say they're close with six grandkids; No mention of 7th
During what they called a "Family Town Hall on COVD-19," Joe and Jill Biden talked about how they have six grandchildren, with Joe saying that "every single day I either talk to them or we text.” Read More.
White House reports president's coronavirus initiatives
"President Trump and his administration are working every day to protect the health and wellbeing of Americans and respond to the coronavirus," Paul Teller, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Strategic Initiatives for the Vice President, said on April 6. Read More.
You're fired! Intel watchdog had it coming, says the president
President Donald Trump on April 4 fought back against critics of his firing of intelligence community inspector general Michael Atkinson, saying he had an "absolute right" to do so and that Atkinson was a "disgrace." Read More.
China's accountability emerges as key campaign issue
China's initial cover-up of the coronavirus could become a key issue in U.S. elections this November. Read More.
He's back: Schiff wants to investigate coronavirus 'mistakes'
Rep. Adam Schiff, who was furiously pushing to impeach President Donald Trump as the coronavirus was spreading in the U.S., said he will introduce a bill to create a “nonpartisan commission” to study “our mistakes” in response to the virus. Read More.
The politics of death: Coronavirus and other killers
"We accept 50,000 traffic deaths a year. We accept cancer deaths. We accept suicides. We accept ’em," radio host Rush Limbaugh noted in his April 1 broadcast. But, "we haven’t accepted" coronavirus, "we have accommodated." Read More.
Obama's NSC adviser Susan Rice takes China's line on virus
In an interview with MSNBC on Tuesday, Obama era national security adviser Susan Rice essentially parroted Chinese propaganda on the coronavirus. Read More.
Cuomo on the future: 'I was never running for president'
The man being floated by many in the corporate media and within his own party as a late-in-the-game replacement for the bumbling Joe Biden says he's not interested in the presidency just yet. Read More.
Clinton, media celebrate as U.S. leads world in coronavirus cases
In what some observers said was a new low even for them, it seemed some in the corporate media and Democratic Party actually celebrated the U.S. having the most coronavirus cases. Read More.
U.S. warns China-Russia-Iran 'disinformation' will distract
China, Russia and Iran have created an echo chamber which pushes false narratives about the origins of and China's response to the coronavirus crisis, a U.S. State Department official said. Read More.
UK doctor walks back projection credited with shutting down U.S.
A British epidemiologist of the Imperial College, whose dire predictions on the coronavirus outbreak caused much anxiety, has revised his prediction with a much more optimistic view. Read More.
Mayor to New Yorkers: 'Go out on the town'; Now 20,000 infected
On March 22, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told NBC News that he asked President Donald Trump to mobilize the military to fight the coronavirus outbreak in the city. He suggested that if Trump doesn’t act immediately, then “people will die who could have lived otherwise.” Read More.

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