July 26, 2024


The ticking humanitarian time bomb in Haiti
As waves of gang violence engulf an already poor and destitute land through a reckless orgy of shootings and looting, the Caribbean island of Haiti equally faces a widening domestic humanitarian crisis along with a ticking migrant exodus, much of which could easily spillover into the United States. Read More.
Lawsuit will shine light on killing of Ashli Babbitt on J6
Although the story seems to have been buried by the Democratic Party-controlled media, the Judicial Watch organization recently filed a $30 million lawsuit against the U.S. Government on behalf of the family of Ashli Babbitt, who was shot and killed by a Capitol police lieutenant on January 6, 2021. Read More.
2024 America: A doped-up president and athletes on horse-steroids
Two of America's biggest bread-and-circus extravaganzas – politics and professional and big-time college sports – are more transparently phony and more utterly bizarre than ever. Read More.
'Obama curse' about to collide with 'Trump miracle'
I believe President Donald Trump is "the chosen one." I believe Trump was sent by God and blessed by God. Trump is supernatural. Trump is a miracle happening right in front of our eyes. Here is the yin to that yang: Barack Obama is the polar opposite. Obama is no miracle. Obama is a curse upon America. Read More.
Left's assault on rural whites paved way for border invasion
It’s important to understand that this operation has been going on for decades, and that it has very specific aims. The ultimate goal is the de-Kulakization of the United States to pave the way for the unquestioned reign of the urbanite progressive ruling elite. Read More.
GOP's war on conservatives in Massachusetts
There is something rotten in Massachusetts. The state’s RINOs and establishment GOP have declared war on MAGA populists, patriots and Trump supporters. Their goal: to marginalize, ostracize and ultimately purge conservatives from the Massachusetts Republican Party. Read More.
Columnist: We are all witnessing 'the Trump miracle'
See, in real life, miracles do happen. We live in a negative, cynical world. Few of us really believe in miracles — and even fewer believe a miracle is happening, even when it's happening right in front of us. But miracles happen all the time. Read More.
The Bishop of Tucson and the invasion at the U.S. border
“The floor of Hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.” – St. Athanasius, Council of Nicea, 325 AD. That spirited quote can be applied to all those who are elevated to positions of great importance. Read More.
No comparison: Biden bull market vs Trump bull market
Joe Biden is boasting about the recent stock market rally. He's right that stocks have been on a tear for the last 14 months. The S&P 500 hit 5,000 for the first time in history. That's up from 500 some 30 years ago. Read More.
Progressives promote the idea of illegal aliens in your home
The latest attempt to normalize innately unnatural behavior comes out of woke Boston. Progressive residents are responding to a local government and big-box media call to shelter migrants in their homes. The apparent idea is that you’ll see this and want to join in, too. Read More.
Covid jab tyrants shift to emotional manipulation
Establishment physicians are now being tasked with the difficult chore of normalizing an experimental gene therapy falsely described as a “vaccine” as a routine and regular part of patient health care. Read More.
Biden's team budgets $65 billion in bid to control the Internet
Joe Biden's infrastructure bill appropriated $65 billion to help expand access to high-speed internet — even though nearly everyone already has it. Read More.
Time to take on the 'safe and secure' 2020 election
Here’s a quote to notice: "I don't care if there were 16 truckloads of ballots being driven in and deposited in Philadelphia.” – Former Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, who presided over election security for the state in 2020, in a January 2024 interview. Read More.
Russia fills Subh-Saharan Africa power vacuum as France fades
The systemic chaos which has befallen a string of countries in the Sub-Saharan Sahel region has gone largely unnoticed by most of the media, except perhaps for Boko Haram’s mass kidnappings in Nigeria. Read More.
Bill Gates and the 'independent' Associated Press
It’s telling that the reposting of vacuous mutterings about the loss to “democracy” by glum Democrat politicians was a staple of social media activity by laid-off Los Angeles Times staffers in the days after they were jettisoned from the crumbling newspaper. Completely devoid of any self-awareness whatsoever, these progressive activists thinly disguised as journalists instinctively leaned on statist officials of the ruling establishment to tell the American people just how important they are. Read More.

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