March 30, 2025


Kamala Harris has leading role in 'Great Replacement'
The revolution to overthrow the American constitutional republic is not some mythical dragon that may rear its head in the future. It is happening now, right under the eyes of a people who still regard themselves as “free.” Read More.
CCP issues 'red line' Taiwan threat, claims South China Sea
The three-day visit of U.S. National Security advisor Jake Sullivan to Beijing had a clear message; “Don’t Rock the Boat.” Chinese/American relations remain very sensitive over trade tariffs, strategic issues, and Beijing’s continuing military threats to democratic Taiwan and the Philippines. Read More.
The Swamp has spit out last of the JFK Democrats
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s exit from the Democratic Party (or was he booted out?) is only the latest sign that there are no more JFK Democrats left in positions of power in the Democratic Party. Read More.
Total control: If Dems win, nothing will be off the table
How far will Democrats go if no one is standing in their way? What is next? Reeducation camps? Concentration camps? Martial law? Climate change lockdowns? The banning of conservative talk radio? Communist show trials for conservative hosts? Murder and torture? Read More.
Media can't hide pain caused by Biden-Harris economy
Democrats and the media are in a quandary to explain why Americans so underappreciate all that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have done for the economy. Or, should I say, TO the economy. Read More.
Was Walz vetted by Democrats ... or selected by the CCP?
This is the most bizarre story in the history of modern-day U.S. politics. Either Democrats never vetted "Tampon Tim", aka "Drag Queen Tim", aka "Open Borders & Ladders Tim", aka "COVID Tyrant Tim", aka "Stolen Valor Tim", aka "China-owned Tim", aka "Jihad Tim" — and don't forget his wife "Burning Woman." Read More.
Iran still abides by Ayatollah Khomeini's 'Death to America'
What kind of a country would call for the death of another country or the death of a people? Iran is such a country. Read More.
Energy reality: Natural gas is now cheaper than water
Among the great mythologies of recent years, one stands out above the rest, is that the world is in a "great energy transition." Actually, the world IS in a dramatic energy transition. But it isn't the one the Left wants it to be. Read More.
How the Soros machine pushed Kamala Harris to the top
Full documentation of Kamala Harris’s fealty to notorious progressive globalist billionaire George Soros and his nation-destroying agenda is far too extensive to list in just one article. Perhaps the best way to understand the Soros-Harris relationship is by observing the workings of one of his most financially-favored puppet organizations. Read More.
Dark blood money is subverting America from within
Dark blood money is poisoning America. Dark money refers to money spent to influence political outcomes where the source of money is not disclosed. The most common dark money organizations are tax-exempt nonprofits under the IRS 501(c) tax code. The names of donors are secret and not disclosed to the public. Read More.
The Marxist-fueled rise to power of Kamala Harris
Though she certainly understands the advantages to be gained from the misperception, Kamala Harris does not pretend to be African American in the same way that Fauxcahontas Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) posed as Native American. Read More.
Cognitive state aside, Joe Biden's policies wrecked America
Joe Biden's time in the White House is mercifully coming to an end. He's now officially a lame duck with six months to go. Read More.
CNN, PBS concur: Cows and other livestock are bad news
Enjoy your cheeseburgers and steaks when you fire up the grill because they may not be available much longer. Read More.
World Economic Forum elites consolidate power in UK
The puppet is moving from the right hand to the left in globalist-controlled England. The parallels with two-party American politics are unmistakable. Read More.
The death of life: Euthanasia as a basic human ‘right’
This is not merely an account of the state of things in Justin Trudeau’s Canada but a preview of what is right around the corner here in America today. Read More.

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