July 27, 2024


Dr. Fauci's book tour, courtesy of the American taxpayer
Now basking in the benefits after retiring from his $480,654 salaried role as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci is still milking American taxpayers. Read More.
‘I Was Gonna Be’: Country hit takes perspective of aborted baby
Rachel Holt's new single "I Was Gonna Be" has skyrocketed to No. 1 on the Country Music Videos Chart and to No. 5 on Apple Music/iTunes. Read More.
NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson rocks Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference
North Carolina Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson's address to the Faith & Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority" Conference in Washington, D.C. on June 21. Read More.
Trump hints at proposal to replace income tax with tariffs
Has Donald Trump trial-ballooned repealing the income tax and replacing it with tariffs as an idea whose time has come? Read More.
CNN scorched by pre-debate heat from Trump spokeswoman
There's already a heat dome over CNN headquarters and the first presidential debate is still days away. Are we having fun yet? Read More.
Indiana GOP delegates choose medical liberty activist for Lt. Gov.
Delegates at the Indiana Republican state convention on Saturday staged a revolt in choosing for lieutenant governor a pastor and citizen activist who spoke out for medical liberty during the Covid lockdowns and vax mandates over the chosen candidate of the party's nominee for governor. Read More.
Study: 'High likelihood' Covid vax was linked to deaths
A study, the authors of which said was suppressed by Big Pharma, which found "a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and death" is now peer reviewed and published in Forensic Science International. Read More.
Trump will have only four years to save America: Here's how
Time to think B-I-G. Just electing President Donald Trump is not enough. Yes, it's true if Democrats win in November, America is finished. Read More.
Ex-S. Korean spy chief confirms North’s role in ‘Gwangju incident’
North Korean special forces were involved in the 1980 "Gwangju incident" in South Korea, a former head of South Korea's intelligence agency has now confirmed. Read More.
Disney refuses to hire white males, executive admits
A senior executive at Disney was caught on video by an undercover journalist working with James O'Keefe saying that Disney blatantly discriminates against white men when it comes to hiring in nearly every area of company operations. Read More.
Inspector General: Pentagon lost track of funds to Chinese labs
The Pentagon does not know how much funding it awarded to Chinese research labs that could have been used to enhance pathogens with pandemic potential, according to a June 20 report by the Department of Defense’s Office of Inspector General (OIG). Read More.
Social Security number for illegal added every 28 seconds
A parole system that was set up to screen immigrants on a case-by-case basis has admitted more than 2 million illegals into the U.S. on Joe Biden's watch, according to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data. Read More.
Corporate-backed Pride Month: Trans corpses, mutilated kids
All this death. All this young death. Death of the soul as well as the body. Who would support this mountain of death? Why, just about every big-brand corporation in America you can think of. Read More.
Report: Dems may use ‘virtual convention’ to replace Biden
Fearing a rapidly deteriorating Joe Biden will bring the party down with him, Democrat heavyweights including Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer are secretly weighing a plot to replace the 81-year-old at the top of the party's 2024 ticket, a report said. Read More.
Sen. Paul calls out Biden DOJ for two-tiered system
The Biden Department of Justice's dogged pursuit of individuals who spend mere minutes walking through the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 compared to its refusal to launch a perjury investigation into Anthony Fauci for lying to Congress on multiple occasions about the origins of Covid is proof of a two-tiered U.S. justice system, Sen. Rand Paul said. Read More.

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