October 24, 2024
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The Will to Reinstate Trump

Show Notes

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America with the will to reinstate Donald Trump as President. A momentous Friday as we add up the continuing evidence of a stolen American election. WE puts into perspective Georgia, Arizona and compare tactics used in those states, which all amount to a conspiracy to overthrow an election. When you hear how the democrats are now defending their stolen election, you’ll throw up – when you hear how top republicans, turned turncoats and corporate shills did nothing to stop or change the outcomes, you’ll want to toss your cookies even more. Viewers of today’s show are strongly encouraged go through the weekend with no regret and emerge on the other side rested and ready for the long march to the restoration of America.

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We call out those in Congress who are betraying you…

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that is unafraid. Period. Just unafraid. Today’s show is all about calling out who in Congress is outright betraying your trust, even if you haven’t voted for them. We tie up the eminent economic collapse with the rapidly changing social structure and provide our clear-eyed predictions on what you can expect in 2022. We continue our relentless exposure of Dr. Anthony Fauci and how his efforts to program Americans into a strange and dangerous life, all too close to a scary dystopian novel. Viewers of today’s program are strongly encouraged to please pass this show on to those who you think could really use news and information from the Swamp.

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At Least Trump Had the Balls to Show Up to the Army-Navy Games...

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Biden needed help remembering Bob Dole…

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RINO’s Red Puddle

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that is willing to step over a RINO’s red puddle. With the passage of the latest spending bill and the National Debt soaring sky-high, we pick out the RINOs who are so unpredictable it’s comedic. Then, we name the lost souls who followed Romney to the valley of the damned to throw money at such fun things as the Patriot Act and making illegal immigration legal. Viewers of today’s program are strongly encouraged to get counseling after the show.

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When and Why Fauci will be Prosecuted

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The 80 traitor House RINOs who voted for the National Vax Registry

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Beware the OmiCon

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How did black rage become acceptable in America?

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that invites you to gobble. It’s not a pretty scene going into this Thanksgiving as the fallout of the Rittenhouse trial, it was this show that predicted a horrendous event will shortly follow which is designed to distract from the loss the radical left had suffered. And so we have it in Waukesha, the quaint little Wisconsin city that now mourns the loss of those killed by a maniac filled with black rage. How has that rage become acceptable in the United States? What will come of this horrible event and are more to follow as the midterms approach? These and some great news that will stun you about Nancy Pelosi. All of us at Washington Expose have a great deal to be thankful for and you are a large part of why we are grateful for helping us advance the most rapidly watched podcast in America. We are grateful to all of our listeners, and we wish you and your families a delightful and peaceful Thanksgiving. See you Monday.

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The False Faces of the Phony GOP

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that is picking out those in leadership positions who just aren’t who they say they are. Once we get done reading the entire list of Congress, we then zero in on some of the more interesting characters and what they do to deceive you regularly. How do they play with your pocketbook? What kinds of tricks have they instituted long, long ago that it still continues? How will this play out if the GOP does take ownership of the House next year? All these questions and many more answered on today’s show. Viewers are strongly encouraged to begin dethawing your turkey probably starting like maybe tomorrow.

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Even Honest Abe Would Be Disgusted

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America hosted by three guys who have been so far up to their keisters in swamp rot that they know of what they speak. It’s a doozy today folks as we look at the Rittenhouse trial and the ramifications of a Not Guilty finding … how does the left act then? Where will be the distraction they’ll cause? Another mass shooting or have they worn that one out? Then, it’s to Kamala and her role as Acting President while Traitor Joe gets his butt looked at, an event not listed on his daily schedule and which took him from a meeting with the President and Mexico and Canadian Prime Minister Castro. Then, we go for the raw meat of the show and discuss exactly what your government chooses not to tell you and why … seriously, even Honest Abe would be disgusted. Are they so swamped with work they can’t return your calls and emails? What IS the thinking Members of Congress really have about their constituents? Viewers of today’s program are strongly encouraged to bourbon.

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Wokeism is Brokenism and Victory in Kenosha?

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that can’t care less about California or Illinois. First, it’s to Kenosha, Wisconsin where we raise serious questions about the prosecutor there and give our take on what the judge in that case is going to do. Does this young man’s trial end in a mistrial? How will this impact the continued slide downward for the once juggernaut commie left to drive to destroy America?  Then, the fellas go for broke by tearing the ugly scab that covers the Golden State – we dig into its crime and how far gone politically it has become to try and save. The same for Illinois, where the only good thing that comes out of that state is the Green Bay Packers after a rousing win over the Bears.  How does this all add up for the 2022 elections? Now that Biden’s approval rating is lower than his IQ, does this mean he’ll soon be in a nursing home in Delaware? We answer these and many other questions on today’s program. Viewers are strongly encouraged to sit back and watch California slip into the sea where it belongs.

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How will the Deep State take Kamala out?

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that does not envy Dianne Feinstein’s personal attendant. Here we are folks, as predicted by THIS SHOW ONLY, the Deep State is going straight for Kamala Harris to oust her on a multitude of charges. Will the Biden Administration lay the blame on her for its own incompetence? Is the rancor so thick within the Vice President’s staff that it’s better to clean house from the top down? Is the feeble Dianne Feinstein ripe to move out of the Senate, making a soft-landing spot for Harris? While these allegations seem a bit farfetched, you will learn on today’s show of the evidence that substantiates these and other bizarre happenings out of the White House. Viewers of today’s program are strongly encouraged to get ready for a very fast-paced political landscape shift and we ain’t kiddin’!

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