October 23, 2024
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The next shoe to drop...

Show Notes

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that sees the other shoe dropping. Today, we ask and answer the tough questions about Biden’s competency – you’ll be vomitus once you hear how Biden’s Moron Meter has hit full tilt. Does the economy cause Biden’s other shoe to drop? Will his final withdraw from Talibanistan, formally Afghanistan, cost American civilian lives? Does the goddess Dr. Jill step in once more to protect her husband from the public? Then, we keep on our drive to level the brass at the Pentagon by singling out the well-nourished decision-makers in the five-sided nut house and their roles in the debacle that was predicted and planned around. With U.S. troops held up in the Kabul airport, is it only a matter of time before Taliban officials scream, “Olly, Olly, oxen not so free.” Listeners of today’s show are strongly encouraged to tie their shoes very tightly.   

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The Death of the 2nd Opinion

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The Long March Back...

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in the country that started the long march back to the restoration of American way before anybody else did.  We start the week out with a deep look into the methods the left is using to get you to toe the line – how far will they go? What does this mean for life’s simple things like travel and visiting friends?  If any of this sounds conspiratorial, it isn’t, as the fellas back up their observations with real-life examples that will leave you quaking in your boots.  Then, we put to task Biden and his flaccid ways of letting everybody run the country, ala Jimmy Carter, while he wanders aimlessly about as the nation crumbles in crime and inflation shoots through the roof.  Will things settle down in time for the 2022 Midterms?  What tricks will individual Members of Congress do now to ensure they get reelected?  We ask and answer tough questions and dive into the most daunting taboo politics yet on the show, and all on a Monday, no less!  Viewers of today’s show are strongly encouraged to keep a focus on the long march back to the restoration of America.   

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JoJo the Sniffy Clown Is Back

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Lady Killer Cuomo

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Biden just committed an impeachable offense...

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The REAL Reason CoVid Lockdown 2.0 is Coming

Tune in to Washington Exposé with Bill Wilson, Carter Clews and Larry Ward for an unprecedented look behind the curtains of today's politics from our Nation's Capital.

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Tune in to Washington Exposé with Bill Wilson, Carter Clews and Larry Ward for an unprecedented look behind the curtains of today's politics from our Nation's Capital.

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CDC Lies

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The Biden Variant

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Biden’s Exit Date Picked, Conservative, Inc., & Pelosi’s Criminal Past

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only podcast that fears the ghost of Godfather Thomas Ludwig John D'Alesandro Jr.   As we wrap up a very bizarre week, we dive into the cesspool of Conservative, Inc. and how the well-oiled machine continues to rip off good-natured and patriotic people who just want to do good things. We solve these riddles; How do these organizations get their money? Have you ever seen their plush Washington, DC offices? Are they telling you everything they actually do?  The answers to these questions will rock your world.   We move on to Joe Biden and how he has been set up by his own party … need proof?  Obama’s very own doctor has declared Biden harmful to himself and call for the 25th Amendment to yank him out. We're tellin' ya folks, it's started. In fact, your trusty WE hosts have scientifically chosen the exact date when the transfer of power will occur to the Commie Kamala – and, it’s a lot closer than you feared. Then, we move on to the crime syndicate better known as the D’Alesandro family, who should have been the stars of the Godfather Trilogy, but was too busy thugging themselves around Baltimore and producing the Countess Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro, better known as the Madam Pelosi. Once we get done reminding you of her family’s criminal past with the mafia, you’ll quickly come to understand how she’s able to rule her Speakership with her age-spot-covered, bony and 81-year-old talons. We end the week, as we are often want to do, with good news about the king of all guitars Eric Clapton, who this week stepped one huge leap away from ever becoming Sir Eric by slapping the British Government upside the crown with his favorite Fender Stratocaster over their threat of round two of the great British Covid caper soon be thrust on the peoples of the realm.  Viewers of today’s show are strongly encouraged to remember that because some strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government and that supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

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How Cruz destroyed Biden’s Wall Policy…

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only show in America that glad Senator Cruz ate his Wheaties. On today’s show, we look at how Ted Cruz systematically destroys Biden’s failed border policies and takes no prisoners at yesterday’s Senate Committee Meeting. We ask the hard questions: Just how much damage he do?  Was his throttling of Biden’s border policies enough to turn public opinion? Are we seeing a steady erosion of Biden’s defenses, and; How many more illegal immigrants have to suffer?  We also look deep into the soul of President Biden and see nothing, which explains his vacuous answers all throughout his cute little town hall yesterday.  Not only was it a farce but it gave more evidence the man is suffering from … we tell you to want does make him suffer and how it’s going to impact the next few years of his non-presidency. Viewers of today’s program are strongly encouraged to break out our old vinyl of Pink Floyd’s The Wall and remember when Trump was unafraid to, Put Another Brick in the Wall.”

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Why the Feds are arresting Trump's inner circle…

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that enjoys a good vortex. On today’s show, we hit hard and answer some serious questions; First up, we watch Anthony Fauci get absolutely roasted by Senator Rand Paul in a Senate hearing yesterday and then go point for point on why Dr. Mengele is a bold face, pathological and elitist liar.

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Blivit of the politically absurd …

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that loves a good blivit. What’s going to happen now that Biden is full steam on Covid Part Two?  How does the economy withstand another lockdown?

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The blurring of Trump…

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that puts Trump back into focus. A fast start for a Monday’s show as put into focus the CIA’s newsletter (WAPO article about the extreme US pressure that Egypt was forced to release known anarchists, leftist media members and known radicals based on “human rights” claims – all the while, 400 United States citizens are rotting in a D.C. jail due to January 6 charges.

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