February 18, 2025
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BEST OF WEEK: Exclusive Interview, "Former President told me to shore up the Republican Party."

Show Notes

Welcome to the very best of The Washington Expose Show and we're very proud to repeat one of our most popular interviews EEEVVVAAAR, with Kelli Ward, Chair of the Arizona Republican Party.  Kelli had just come off an exclusive and private phone conversation with former President Donald J. Trump and she's bold enough to let us peek behind the curtain as to what she said, what he said, and what they have planned ahead.  This not-to-be-missed interview also takes a spin at throwing poisonous darts at Some of the flakes who've come out of her state, chiefly ones who are named JEFF!  Listeners are reminded to set their calendars for the debut of The Washington Expose Show Full Frontal as we go video where you can see first hand what 50 years in politics can do to a person. 

The Washington Expose Team will be featuring the Best of Shows this whole week as the fellas take a much-needed vacation in order to prepare for our one-year celebration on our return. We'll be featuring the very best of our shows from throughout the year, perfect for you to relive the nightmare that was 2020.  It's worth the effort, however!  Expect some fun and exciting changes to the show when you return, including video streaming and showing up at your house for dinner unexpectantly. 

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