September 16, 2024


Flynn attorney stiffs Schiff
Michael Flynn’s attorney said he will not testify before the House Intelligence Committee because the committee chair, Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, disregards ethics in his “theatrical demand” for Flynn to appear. Read More.
Children’s climate fury spares China
Conspicuously absent in the climate alarmism pushed by the Left via children and a compliant corporate media is China, which is responsible for 30 percent of global emissions. Read More.
Report: Persecution of Christians growing, systemic
The persecution of Christians by extremists is growing, is not random but systematic, and takes place irrespective of language, ethnicity, or location, according to a report by the Gatestone Institute. Read More.
What China gains from new Bangladesh sub base
In 2016 Bangladesh purchased two Chinese Type-035 conventional submarines. Now China is going to build a $1.2 billion submarine base for Bangladesh, raising concerns about future Chinese naval access. Read More.
What history tells us about Trump's 2020 chances
Consider that despite what the mainstream media are desperately trying to convey, most indicators point toward a victory for Trump in 2020. Read More.
Read the McCabe memo that launched Trump investigation
Judicial Watch announced on September 23 it obtained a two-page memo, dated May 16, 2017, by then-Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe detailing how then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein proposed wearing a wire into the Oval Office “to collect additional evidence on the president’s true intentions.” Read More.
White House ‘Whistleblower’ lacked 'direct knowledge'
Major holes are opening in the story being pushed by Democrats and the corporate media which suggests President Donald Trump somehow coerced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a July phone call. Read More.
Trump vs 'elite postmodern progressive world'
The real source of Trump derangement syndrome, wrote historian and columnist Victor Davis Hanson is Trump’s “desire to wage a multifront pushback — politically, socially, economically, and culturally — against what might be called the elite postmodern progressive world.” Read More.
Israeli report: 'Deal of the century’ is back on the shelf
The release of the Trump administration’s plan for Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) will be delayed “significantly” due to the still unsettled Israeli election, according to a Sept. 23 report. Read More.
Immigration tent court sends 42,000 back to Mexico
A rocket docket for immigration hearings that normally could take years to process is handily reducing wait times to as little as 40 to 60 days. Read More.
China's 2015 deal with Bidens involved dual use tech
The Senate Finance Committee has announced it will investigate the Obama administration's approval in 2015 of the sale to China of a former U.S. firm which develops dual-use technologies with military applications. Read More.
Staff to UN elite: Practice what you climate preach
The New York-based United Nations in 2018 emitted more carbon dioxide than the entirety of some of its member states, a Reuters report noted. Read More.
White supremacy? Candace Owens cites larger threat
A list of the top 100 threats to black America would not include white supremacy, Blexit founder Candace Owens said in testimony before the House Oversight Joint Subcommittee Hearing on Confronting White Supremacy on Sept. 20. Read More.
Regime denies attacks; Iranians sell organs to cope
While Iran’s leaders erect a tough-guy image on the international stage, at home the nation’s populace is struggling mightily, so much so that Iranians are resorting to selling their organs to get by economically. Read More.
World faces crisis overload as UN convenes
Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Potentates are assembling in New York for the 74th General Assembly. Read More.

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