September 07, 2024


Limbaugh: Latest anti-Trump narrative a 'nothing burger'
The entire Trump-Ukraine story is just another “nothing burger” and a way for Democrats and their “media brethren” to continue their non-stop investigations of President Donald Trump, radio host Rush Limbaugh said on Sept. 25. Read More.
Tucker Carlson: 'Cancel culture is a national plague'
An egregious example of “cancel culture” was highlighted by Fox News host Tucker Carlson during his Sept. 25 broadcast. Read More.
Playing both sides: Why AOC doesn't want Trump impeached
After news broke that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was going to file a formal inquiry into the possibility of ousting President Trump from office the Democrats and their allies in the establishment media were more excited than Jim Acosta in a house full of mirrors. Read More.
‘Good-bye America’
‘Good-bye America’ Read More.
Trump to UN elites: 'Future belongs to patriots'
“The future does not belong to globalists — the future belongs to patriots,” U.S. President Donald Trump told the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Sept. 24. Read More.
Biden scandal used as trigger for impeachment
U.S. Democrats were turning the screws on Ukraine long before Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani’s discussions with Ukrainian officials. Read More.
American woman in Hong Kong sparks outrage
In a video that has gone viral, a woman identified as American is seen scolding protesters in Hong Kong, calling their pro-democracy efforts a “waste of time.” Read More.
U.S. to UN: Stop promoting abortion
The United States was joined by 18 other nations in a joint statement issued at the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 23 calling on the UN to stop promoting abortion. Read More.
PR firms pass on Hong Kong's makeover bids
The Hong Kong government was essentially told to get lost in its bid to rebuild its image amid ongoing massive pro-democracy protests. Read More.
How the Fourth Estate Illuminati silences the right
The adversarial relationship between the president and the Fourth Estate has not dissipated since Donald J. Trump was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2017. Read More.
Flynn attorney stiffs Schiff
Michael Flynn’s attorney said he will not testify before the House Intelligence Committee because the committee chair, Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, disregards ethics in his “theatrical demand” for Flynn to appear. Read More.
Children’s climate fury spares China
Conspicuously absent in the climate alarmism pushed by the Left via children and a compliant corporate media is China, which is responsible for 30 percent of global emissions. Read More.
Report: Persecution of Christians growing, systemic
The persecution of Christians by extremists is growing, is not random but systematic, and takes place irrespective of language, ethnicity, or location, according to a report by the Gatestone Institute. Read More.
What China gains from new Bangladesh sub base
In 2016 Bangladesh purchased two Chinese Type-035 conventional submarines. Now China is going to build a $1.2 billion submarine base for Bangladesh, raising concerns about future Chinese naval access. Read More.

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