July 26, 2024


Senate intel committee report resembled Mueller's
In what analysts say was a move to shift the spotlight off Ukraine’s meddling in the 2016 election on behalf of Hillary Clinton, the Senate Intelligence Committee on Oct. 8 released a so-called “bipartisan” report on Russia’s social media efforts during the 2016 election. Read More.
Media no longer go to source for political news
More than half of America has lost trust in the media to provide straight and accurate news about politics, a new survey found. Read More.
Pompeo rebuts Graham on Syria
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo responded to critics of President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops from northern Syria by saying the mission to eradicate ISIS was a success and adding the move was not an authorization for Turkey to invade Syria. Read More.
Minneapolis mayor fails to derail Trump rally
How far will leftists go to get what they want? To prevent free speech? To stop the president of the United States from holding a rally? Evidently, as far as they can before getting shut down. Read More.
Report: Durham expands investigation of Russia probe
U.S. Attorney John Durham has expanded his investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation, senior Trump administration officials told Fox News. Read More.
Riveting text of White House counsel's letter
White House counsel Pat Cipollone's Oct. 8 letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Read More.
Iran answers Turkish incursion with border exercises
As Turkey launched a long-awaited military offensive into northern Syria, Iran announced it was holding military exercises near its own border with Turkey. Read More.
Hungary acts to help persecuted Christians
Sustained and increasing attacks on Christian minorities from the Middle East to West Africa are often tragically overlooked by the mainstream media. Read More.
Pompeo penalizes Chinese officials for repressing Muslims
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Oct. 8 announced Visa restrictions on Chinese government and Communist Party officials who the State Department believes are “responsible for, or complicit in, the detention or abuse of Uighurs, Kazakhs, or other members of Muslim minority groups in Xinjiang, China.” Read More.
Five questions that frighten impeachment-crazy Dems
As the phony impeachment investigation targeting President Donald Trump rumbles on, there really is no definitive list of questions that as yet remain unanswered. Read More.
An Ethiopian orphan's White House prayer
An Ethiopian woman who visited the White House asked to pray for President Donald Trump. Read More.
Top intel official can't explain changes to whistleblower rule
Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) Michael Atkinson has acknowledged that his office in September changed the rules for whistleblower complaints to eliminate a requirement that whistleblowers provide first-hand evidence of their allegations. Read More.
Unreported: Backers, timing of Schiff staffer’s Ukraine junket
Twelve days after the so-called Trump-Ukraine “whistleblower” officially filed his complaint, a staffer for Rep. Adam Schiff's House Intelligence Committee traveled to Ukraine as part of a program funded in part by Burisma Holdings and George Soros, a report said. Read More.
With Oct. 4 Op-Ed, NY Times declares war on 1st Amendment
Leftists in politics, the media and on college campuses have become increasingly conflicted on the issue of free speech since the landmark free speech movement at UC Berkeley in 1964. Read More.
Michelle Malkin is latest target of 'cancel culture'
One of the latest targets of the leftist "cancel culture" mob is blogger, author and WorldTribune.com columnist Michelle Malkin. Read More.

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