July 26, 2024


U.S. forces pulled from Syria to fight ISIS in Iraq
American troops being withdrawn from northern Syria will be moved to western Iraq to continue the fight against Islamic State (ISIS), U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper said. Read More.
Japan goes it alone in protecting oil shipments from Gulf
Japan says it will not join a U.S.-led coalition to protect shipping in vital commerce lanes in the Middle East but will send its own vessels to ensure safe delivery of oil to Japan. Read More.
Seriously: Venezuela joins UN Rights Council
The United Nations has rewarded the repressive socialist regime of Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro with a spot on the world body’s Human Rights Council. Read More.
Schiff pressed Volker to say Trump pressed Ukraine
Rep. Adam Schiff, chair of the House Intelligence Committee, attempted to coax a witness in the Trump impeachment inquiry to testify that Ukrainian officials felt pressured to investigate Joe Biden’s son as a result of President Donald Trump’s threat to withhold U.S. military aid to Ukraine, a report said. Read More.
Unreported: One group's clout over Democratic candidates
It is vitally important that the American people realize the full scope of the social engineering tyranny that every major Democratic presidential candidate deliberately bowed down to earlier this month. Read More.
Impeachment not an issue at 'tough love' Texas rally
“American combat troops should not be at the center of ancient sectarian conflicts all over the world; bring our soldiers back home!” U.S. President Donald Trump said on at a massive rally in Dallas on Thursday night. Read More.
In 5G world, Pentagon has lost its tech edge
There is a growing consensus that China has taken the lead in the 5G era as the regime of supreme leader Xi Jinping builds toward its goal of regional domination and rivaling the U.S. on the world stage. Read More.
Barr indicts Left for 'organized destruction' of religion
In a speech at the University of Notre Dame, Attorney General William Barr eloquently outlined the myriad ways the assault on religion manifests itself in America today. Read More.
Report: U.S. embassy in Ukraine told to track Trump allies
The former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, who was recalled from her post in May, reportedly ordered subordinates to monitor the social media accounts of prominent conservative journalists and supporters of President Donald Trump, a government watchdog group said. Read More.
30 million Hispanics now top minority voting bloc
With over 30 million eligible voters, Hispanics are expected in 2020 to make up the largest minority voting bloc. Read More.
'Goodbye': The story behind Pelosi's 'staged' meltdown
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stormed out of a White House meeting on Oct. 16 following a very public meltdown. Read More.
Turkey agrees to ceasefire after Trump urged 'good deal'
The U.S. has brokered a ceasefire agreement between Turkey and the Kurds after President Donald Trump issued a stern warning to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Read More.
Cash crunch at UN; China now 2nd largest contributor
The 193-member multinational organization is facing a serious cash crunch which has hampered the day to day operations of the world body but nonetheless may be resolved relatively soon when the United States, the major donor state, pays its dues along with sixty other countries. Read More.
Impeachment bluff – who holds the cards?
It’s all about the bluff – or so it appears – as the House of Representatives declines to officially vote on pursuing formal impeachment proceedings against President Trump. Read More.
2 of 3 election models predict Trump landslide in 2020
Two of three 2020 election models used by Moody’s Analytics forecast that President Donald Trump will win more electoral votes than he did in 2016. Read More.

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