July 27, 2024


In AZ, at least half a million invalid voter registrations
Research into Arizona's voter rolls discovered between 500,000 and 1.27 million invalid registrations, including deceased people and those who have left the state, according to a lawsuit filed this week by the Arizona Republican Party and the Arizona Free Enterprise Club against Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes. Read More.
Xi’s grand vision: Massive industrial center in Gulf
Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping has called for the establishment of a massive industrial center in the Gulf that could produce practically anything for the global market. Read More.
Analyst says Garland's DOJ must be defunded
In a May 13 meeting of the Election Threats Task Force, Attorney General Merrick Garland stated: "We will aggressively investigate and prosecute those who threaten election workers. That includes continuing our work — through this Task Force, our U.S. Attorneys’ Offices, and our FBI offices across the country — to investigate, disrupt, and combat unlawful threats against those who administer our elections." Read More.
In India, Modi magic narrowly garners third term
This year has turned out be the time of major elections; Mexico, South Africa, Taiwan, European Union, Pakistan, Russia, soon the United Kingdom and in November the United States. Read More.
Is the Biden family jury influencing in Delaware?
With their presence in Delaware on Monday as jury selection began in son Hunter Biden's trial on gun charges, Joe and Jill Biden certainly seemed to be sending a message to potential jurors, HotAir's Karen Townsend noted. Read More.
What did all the Biden billions for green energy actually buy?
The Biden administration has spent tens of billions of dollars on green energy, yet last year the U.S. and the world used record amounts of fossil fuels. Read More.
At struggling Washington Post, diversity sent to back of bus
Losing millions and with its audience cut in half, The Washington Post made some major changes at the top of its editorial staff which like other major American newspapers will subsequently be headed by British newsmen. Read More.
Fauci exposed for statements on 'making life difficult' to coerce vaccinations
Georgia Republican Rep. Richard McCormick, who as a physician treated Covid patients, skewered Anthony Fauci over the former federal Covid czar's belief that making it hard for people to live their lives would pressure them into getting the Covid shots. Read More.
Vax, not infection, casues myocarditis, pericarditis in kids
In a study which evaluated over 1 million English children, researchers at Oxford University found that myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after getting the Covid injection and not after a Covid infection. Read More.
'He got away with it': Fauci denies all wrongdoing
Since early 2020, millions of Americans made life-changing, and in many cases life-ending, decisions based on Fauci's advice. He has time after time been caught in lies before Congress. And he has yet to face any consequences. Read More.
Anti-conservative bias in Hollywood delayed ‘Reagan’ for 20 years
In Hollywood, you have to go into overtime to win one for the Gipper. Read More.
'Dark days' in the United States: 'Stolen elections' matter
Liz Harrington, former spokeswoman for Donald Trump, said the consequences go back to the 2020 election. Read More.
Trump conviction invites review of Federalist 84
Alexander Hamilton, Federalist, no. 84, 575--81. Read More.
Trump gets thunderous ovation from massive UFC crowd in New Jersey
Two days after his conviction in a Manhattan court, former President Donald Trump on Saturday arrived at the UFC 302 mixed martial arts event in Newark, New Jersey to a thunderous ovation from the massive crowd on hand. Read More.
Joe Biden’s America ‘has crossed the Rubicon’
Moments after it was announced that Donald Trump had been convicted by a Manhattan jury on 34 felony counts, Fox News host Jeanine Pirro said: "I want to believe that Americans believe in justice, and I think that in their gut, they realized that there is something that is very wrong here. We have gone over a cliff in America." Read More.

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