July 26, 2024


Dems furious as Florida GOP names road after Rush
Rush Limbaugh was a Florida resident for more than 20 years. Along with being a conservative broadcasting legend, he donated millions to charities over the years. Read More.
Fox's 'emotional' miscalculation in firing Tucker Carlson
“Fox fired their number one host for being too Christian,” The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh observed. Read More.
Tucker Carlson: You can 'still find Americans saying true things'
In a two-minute video posted to Twitter on Wednesday, Tucker Carlson hailed the alternative U.S. media filling the void left by his canceled Fox New show which for many had been the only Big Media slot worth watching. Read More.
Money to burn at Fox: $787M settlement; $1B market loss
How could Fox casually settle with Dominion for $787 million and then days later lose $1 billion on the same day it fired Tucker Carlson? Inquiring minds want to know. Read More.
Fox News 'parts ways' with top truth-teller Tucker Carlson
The Fox Corp. on Monday announced it was parting ways with Tucker Carlson, host of one of the highest rated non-sports programs in cable television history. Read More.
60 Minutes omits the obvious in Ray Epps interview
After all the bloviating about Trump supporters planning to storm the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 and overthrow the government, Ray Epps is the only person who was captured on video actually exhorting people to enter the building. Epps has not been arrested. Instead, he has become a darling of Big Media. Read More.
Fox pays Dominion $787 million settlement, avoids trial
In avoiding a defamation trial, Fox News has agreed to pay Dominion Voting Systems a $787 million settlement. Read More.
Feds pay Soros-funded Poynter to train 'journalists'
The Biden administration helped bankroll a training course at the leftist Poynter Institute for so-called "reporters" on how to create "balanced and bias-free" journalism, the Washington Free Beacon reported on April 10. Read More.
Big Tech ends Internet's Wild West days of freedom
Freedom and freewheeling search and retrieval of information was fundamental to the Internet revolution in the 1990s which featured the rise of DrudgeReport.com and the birth of WorldTribune.com. Read More.
African journalist: WH 'making mockery' of First Amendment
At a White House press briefing on Monday, Today News Africa chief White House correspondent Simon Ateba confronted press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre for "making a mockery of the First Amendment" by not taking his questions for several months. Read More.
O'Keefe's return: NY Times reporter confirms 'tons' of FBI at Capitol on J6
A New York Times reporter told investigative journalist James O'Keefe that he stood by his comments that the FBI had planted "tons" of agents at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Read More.
Naomi Wolf's ‘full-throated apology’ to conservatives
Following the release by Fox News host Tucker Carlson of never-before-seen video from the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, liberal author and columnist Naomi Wolf published a "letter of apology" to conservatives, saying she was "sorry for believing the dominant legacy-media 'narrative' pretty completely from the time it was rolled out, without asking questions." Read More.
Trump slams Fox News, Rupert Murdoch, Paul Ryan
Former President Donald Trump slammed Fox News and Fox Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch for what he described as their "weak and ineffective" defense in a lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems over Fox's coverage of the 2020 election. Read More.
'Blatant censorship': TikTok bans Mammoth Nation
A conservative-owned firm which connects consumers with pro-America companies reported that it has been banned and had its funding seized by Chinese owned TikTok. Read More.
Project Veritas board ousts founder James O'Keefe
James O’Keefe has been removed from his position at Project Veritas. Read More.

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