July 27, 2024


Illegal from China arrested at U.S. military base
A Chinese national who entered the U.S. illegally was arrested after sneaking onto a Marine Corps base in California and refusing to leave, U.S. Customs and Border Protection confirmed. Read More.
Oil is king: China's OPEC summit was no Green New Deal
When it comes to China, does OPEC abide? On March 19, the communist regime from China went to OPEC to plead for more oil and fast. Read More.
Russia lists 'LGBT movement' as extremist group
The Russian government has added the "LGBT movement" to its list of extremist and terrorist organizations, according to state media. Read More.
China to clinch 'strategic triad' with stealth bomber
China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) could reveal this year its new flying wing stealth bomber, the Xian Aircraft Corporation (XAC) “H-20,” as U.S. Air Force officials highlight that Chinese bombers could soon join Russian bombers in intimidation exercises against the United States. Read More.
UK lawmaker: ‘Covid cabal’ should face death penalty
British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen last week called for the death penalty for Bill Gates and the “Covid cabal” which he said committed “crimes against humanity” during the Covid pandemic. Read More.
Fang Fang says FBI offered her $1 million
A decade after being revealed as a Chinese operative who became a staffer and “companion” of California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell, Fang Fang has resurfaced with a new cover story. Read More.
Report: China focusing SARS-CoV-2 research on military use
Did anyone regard the work at Wuhan Institute of Virology as benefiting the health of the global population by for example contributing to health solutions for the coronavirus? Read More.
Killing of student leads Iran's youth to 'tune out' regime
Iran’s regime has been firmly condemned by a UN fact-finding mission investigating the unprovoked killing of Masha Amina two years ago, in a incident which set off nationwide protests. Read More.
Pentagon: Expect massive wave of illegals coming from Haiti
Amid social collapse as gangs tighten their grip on Haiti, the Pentagon is warning that a large number of Haitian illegals will try to enter the United States. Read More.
Western Europe comfort zone threatened by Ukraine storm
A stormy geopolitical weather front is converging on Western Europe as the Ukrainian war in the East has entered its third year with no end in sight. Read More.
Iran adds containerized missiles to its arsenal
Iran has mastered the containerization of long-range solid fuel ballistic and long-range land attack cruise missiles (LACMs), posing a new level of threat from Iran and from its proliferation to its proxies. Read More.
Staunch rhetorical support for Ukraine sovereignty at UN
In a powerful vote of confidence for Ukraine’s sovereignty and continuing independence, both the UN Security Council and General Assembly met to show political strong support for the embattled country, two years after the 2022 Russian invasion. Read More.
Report confirms CIA is fighting Russia via Ukraine
The narrative about the outbreak of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine has been officially updated by what was once known as the "newspaper of record." Read More.
Team Biden shocked by election interference — in Pakistan
Team Biden on Tuesday reiterated its call for a full and transparent investigation of “any claims of interference or fraud” in an election. Read More.
Al Qaida returned to Afghanistan after U.S. withdrawal
Following the Biden Administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, the ruling Taliban is denying reports that it has accommodated a resurgence of the Al Qaida terrorist organization. Read More.

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