July 26, 2024


Trump for Life: Left seeks to ‘erase our God-given rights ’
President Donald Trump on Friday became the first president to speak at the March for Life. Read More.
Fired Denver Post columnist insisted there are 2 sexes
The most read columnist for the Denver Post no longer has a job at the newspaper after he wrote that there are only two sexes. Read More.
Adam Schiff? Jeopardy! contestants have no clue
Adam Schiff was an answer on Wednesday night’s “Jeopardy!” — and none of the three contestants knew who he was. Read More.
Documentary: God is 'moving powerfully inside of Iran'
The ayatollahs’ attempts to destroy Christianity in Iran is backfiring as a massive Christian revival is taking place in the Middle Eastern country, according to a documentary. Read More.
Comedian keeps firing, still funny after Hollywood put-down
The roasting of Hollywood’s elites by Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes was lauded by anyone who enjoys good comedy. It also gained him 300,000 new followers on social media. Read More.
Hollywood launches cheap shot at Phyllis Schlafly in election year
Constitutional lawyer and conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly passed away on Sept. 5, 2016. Apparently, she has been gone long enough for Hollywood to give itself the green light to attempt to tear apart her legacy. Read More.
Norwegian library defies China on Falun Gong book
Citing the country’s free speech rights, a library in Norway is refusing to give in to communist China’s demands to remove a book that is censored in China, a report said. Read More.
Mini ‘police states’ on campus? It's come to this?
How far have America’s freedoms fallen? A recent statement from the assistant attorney general for the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice shows just how far. Read More.
Trump's order limits Washington 'dictates' on K-12 schools
Among the many campaign promises President Donald Trump has followed through on in 2019 is returning control of schools to the state and local level. Read More.
President a hit at Army/Navy game; Media sees white power
During the pre-game of Saturday’s Army-Navy football matchup, some of the service academies’ students were seen making the OK hand symbol in a way that for decades has been associated with the “circle game.” Read More.
Greta seems to take President's advice: 'I’m taking a break'
While skipping school and traveling the world (nice gig if you can get it), 16-year-old Greta Thunberg is often seen angrily scolding world leaders with lots of finger-wagging thrown in for good measure. Read More.
AOC compares raising children to dog breeding
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was widely mocked after what observers say was, during comments she made on paid maternity leave, her bizarre comparison between raising puppies and newborn children. Read More.
Anthony Hopkins explains: 'Actors are pretty stupid'
The award for best description of actors and their political opinions goes to — Anthony Hopkins. Read More.
AR-15 sales boom: 'Thank you Beto O’Rourke'
There are 422.9 million firearms in circulation in the United States according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). Read More.
Teen Vogue preps social justice warriors for Thanksgiving
Having last year introduced its audience of mostly young girls to communist “legend” Karl Marx, Teen Vogue is now hoping the un-woke out there in the heartland will own up to their racist, homophobic, transphobic, all-other-phobic ways this Thursday. Read More.

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