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  • 12/16/2019
FPI / December 15, 2019

While skipping school and traveling the world (nice gig if you can get it), 16-year-old Greta Thunberg is often seen angrily scolding world leaders with lots of finger-wagging thrown in for good measure.

President Donald Trump tweeted: "Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!"

Thunberg, who has been venerated by the Left and was recently named Time magazine’s Person of the Year, now says she is taking a break.

“I will be home for Christmas and then I will take a holiday break because you need to take rest,” 16-year-old climate activist Great Thunberg told reporters in Turin, Italy. “Otherwise you cannot do this all the time.”

It will likely be a short break as she added that “2019 is almost over. We must make sure that 2020 is the year of action, is the year when we bend the global emissions curve. We are going to put pressure on those in power, we are going to make sure that they will act and they will take responsibility."

Radio host Rush Limbaugh said during his Dec. 13 broadcast: “So when Donald Trump tweets, ‘Hey, Greta, you might have some anger management issues, why don’t you chill out and go to a movie,’ what he’s basically saying is why don’t you stop letting these people use you and why don’t you enjoy your years as a teenager and a kid here. There’s plenty of time for you to screw the world up later on.

“How dare he! How can you defend a president who attacked a 16-year-old harmless little activist. She’s not a harmless little activist. She is an agent of the worldwide Left attempting to convince the people of the world and the people of America that America is the problem in the world. Sorry, folks, not gonna sit idly by and just let that happen.”

Limbaugh went on to say:
How in the world does a 16-year-old elevate to a position of worldwide prominence? And the answer is she was put there. She was thrust into this position by people who are using her. The worldwide left is using her by design. It is a studied, strategic usage. Because of her autism, she is disabled. The left specializes in finding disabled people to become prominent political spokesmen and advocates precisely because most people think that it is impolite and mean to be critical. It’s impolite and mean to be critical of a 16-year-old, period. Now, you add autism or Asperger’s, and it’s really double mean.

So the left uses this young girl, they thrust her up on the stage, which she loves being on, by the way. Don’t misunderstand. She’s happy to be used, and she probable believes that she hit this stage on the basis of pure merit. They’re happy to put her out there because they think they’re wearing armor. Nobody can criticize her. And if anybody does, they are gonna get hit, they’re gonna get destroyed.

The worldwide media is gonna lay out anybody who dares criticize the 16-year-old kid. That’s the strategy here. They’ve done it countless times. And it works with most people. Most people just decide, “All right. I’m not gonna say anything. I don’t want to get criticized. I don’t want to be thought of as a hatemonger. I don’t want to be thought of as a whatever.” So most people shut up. The left knows this. And these people then have a free, unobstructed road to propagandize themselves, to indoctrinate, and to advance whatever putrid leftist cause they have been chosen to represent, in this case, climate change. Well, my theory is the left put her there. She happily accepted the job. She is a political figure. She’s not a 16-year-old girl with autism. She is a political figure who has been thrust as evidenced by being named Person of the Year, she’s been thrust to a leadership role. She has a purpose. She has an objective. She has been given a job. Her job is to spread the word on climate change. Her job is to try to convince as many people as she can that we are destroying the planet and we’re gonna die in 20 years if we don’t do something. And what is the something?

The United States has to be cut down in size. She’s being used by a cabal of globalist, leftist activists who have sought and have been working on the establishment of a global leadership, a global cabal that runs things, and if you’re going to do that, one of the first objectives you will have is taking out the world’s number one superpower. You can’t run the world as long as the United States is out there. The United States has to somehow be brought on board. So since the Democrats lost the election, since Obama’s no longer president, the United States is no longer on that pathway to joining the global governance crusade. Donald Trump exists to stop that. So these people are doubling down. They’re doing whatever they can think of. The United States has to be blamed for everything. Capitalism has to be blamed. The United States has to be blamed. American progress, American innovation, American technological advance, all of it has to be said to be the reason.

The world is at war, the world is suffering, there is inequity, there’s inequality, there’s racism, sexism. America must be blamed for all of it because America must be neutralized. If there is to be a global government, for lack of a better word, if there is to be a cabal of people globally, if we are to get to a point that they want with no nation states and no borders and all that, then this whole project requires that the United States be eliminated as a superpower. The United States has to be cut down in size, it has to be rendered less powerful in order to be brought under the umbrella of globalism. With presidents like Obama and Hillary Clinton, America would have continued toward that objective. America was said to be in decline under Obama. It was the new norm, the new reality, and we had better get used to it, and we better accept people like Hillary and Obama to manage this decline. We were told that we had better come to grips with the fact that America’s great days were behind us. First time in American history, by the way, that any political figure actually said that.

First time in history that any American — well, not – a bunch have said it. President. We’ve never had an American president whoever tried to convince the American people that the country’s best days were behind us. Obama did. Hillary tried. Obama was gonna hand the gavel off to Hillary so she could continue it. I can’t describe for you just what a wrench in the cog that Donald Trump’s election was to these people. Now the United States is being governed by somebody who believes our best days are ahead of us and is demonstrating that the eight years of Obama were not necessary. We didn’t need to lose jobs that were never coming back. We don’t need to believe that we are in a state of decline. We don’t need to accept the fact that most American prosperity is a thing of the past.

We don’t need to accept the fact that we’ve gotta get used to a drastically downsized way of life. Donald Trump has thrown all of that out the window. They hate him. They just hate him.

Well, Greta Thunberg is an element of this globalist attempt. She checks all the boxes. She’s young and 16 and you can’t criticize here. She’s a child, Mr. Limbaugh. Do you have no soul? You can’t criticize her! And then she has a disability. Oh, you really can’t criticize her, except we can and we will, because they put her there.
Free Press International

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