March 03, 2025
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  • Source: FreePressers
  • 02/23/2025
FPI / February 23, 2025

Following is the fourth in a series of excerpts from the book, "Shattered Innocence: A Shared Global Shame", by investigative reporter Christine Dolan, a veteran U.S. broadcast and print investigative journalist who worked as CNN's Political Director in the 1980s. See Part I, Part II, Part III.

According to their website, “Indiana Voices is an official contact point for NARSOL (National Association for Rational Sex Offense Laws). As such we work to combat new and currently existing laws which make it difficult for persons required to register as Sex Offenders to reestablish themselves in the community and to lead normal productive, offense-free lives.”

“For Minor-Attracted Persons (MAPs) whether you have been legally involved or are just learning to deal with your own sexuality, if you need a therapist to help you on your journey, B4U-ACT offers therapists referral service. All therapists are pre-screened by B4U-ACT Volunteers who are MAPs themselves,” reads the Indiana Voices website.

Interesting – perhaps, MAPs are screening therapists to see if those therapists will report “sexually active” pedophiles and minor-attractive persons to law enforcement, or advocate for MAPs desired legislative changes?

Indiana Voices’ focus for the 2024 Indiana Legislative Session was tracking specific bills:
  • HB 1307 banishes serious sex offenders from visiting public parks when a child under 18 years of age is present. It also dictates that sex registrants moving to Indiana from others states or moving back to Indiana are Lifetime Registrants. Indiana Voices states it is opposing this bill.
  • SB 12 and HB 1057 prohibits sex offenders against children from establishing a residence within 1000 feet of a pool, beach, clubhouse, playground, or park owned, leased, or operated by a homeowners’ or property owners’ association. Indiana Voices states it is opposing this bill.
“There are multiple bills proposed that will eliminate the statute of limitations for prosecution of sex offenses. We oppose these bills…” reads their website.

[caption id="attachment_143803" align="alignleft" width="425"]<img class="size-full wp-image-143803" src="" alt="" width="425" height="271" /> 'In Colorado there has been talk of changing the age of consent to the age of 11.'[/caption]

Some of the other bills Indiana Voices has been tracking include, but are not limited to video voyeurism, public voyeurism, child seduction by an authority, age verification on adult websites, which are obviously, Adult “PORN” sites.

Colorado had been a conservative state, but almost twenty years ago, a conscious plan was put in motion to turn the state liberal. By 2024, Colorado is one of the more progressive states in the U.S.

In the last 20 years there has been a concerted effort to not just defund the police in creative ways but elect or appoint state prosecutors who are lenient on crime.

In recently years, there is a trend in Colorado to give a mild reprimand to those parties who buy the very youngest of children or traffic them for sex.

As a result, Colorade State Representative Brandi Bradley of Littleton, Colorado introduced a bill, HB24-1092, entitled “Minimum Sentence Crimes against Prostituted Children.”

The summary of the bill reads:

Under current law, various crimes related to child prostitution are class 3 felonies. These crimes include soliciting for child prostitution, one type of pandering of a child, procurement of a child, keeping a place of child prostitution, pimping of a child, inducement of child prostitution, and patronizing a prostituted child. The bill requires a court to sentence a person convicted of one of these crimes to the department of corrections for a term of at least the minimum of the presumptive range for a class 3 felony, which is 4 years.”

The bill further states:

“Under current law, the crime of pandering of a child is either a class 2 or class 3 felony, depending on the conduct involved. Pandering that uses menacing or criminal intimidation to induce a child to commit prostitution is a class 2 felony. The bill requires a court to sentence a person convicted of this type of pandering to the department of corrections for a term of at least the minimum of the presumptive range for a class 2 felony, which is 8 years.”

Seems reasonable on the surface, right? Punish those who rape, pimp or prostitute children. It is after all 2024. Not exactly in the now very blue state of Colorado.

Representative Bradley introduced this bill after attending a human trafficking session by Colorado’s Douglass County commissioners. Bradley had found in her research “most of all the perpetrators of these crimes were getting off with only probation, unless the crimes were stacked up.”

“We had witness testimony from several different counties, giving statistics that showed the majority of these perpetrators were only getting probation,” said Bradley.

Three individuals testified against the bill.

“One said that Bradley’s bill would cause the LGBTQ kids that get kicked out of their home harm because they couldn’t sell their bodies for sex,” wrote Bradley.

The bill was debated before the Veteran Affairs Committee, which is known as the “kill” committee in Colorado state political circles.

Of those on the committee, eight democrats voted against Bradley’s bill while three republicans voted for it.

According to Bradley, one representative stated that she could not vote for the bill because she could not vote to send an abuser to jail to be abused in jail. Another representative stated that the bill does not count for mitigating factors like trafficked children doing these crimes as an adult. Another claimed that the bill does not allow judicial discretion when in fact the bill calls for 4 – 8 years, which is a range for judicial discretion. In Colorado, most perpetrators serve less than 50% of their sentences.

“The only thing I can justify from their vote is that they do not want to put pedophiles in jail, and they do want to jeopardize the safety of our children,” wrote Bradley after her bill failed.

“I know that there has been a push to make minor attracted person legal in several states, and in Colorado there has been talk of changing the age of consent to the age of 11. I can only imagine who pulled the strings to make eight people in the same party vote against my bill,” wrote Bradley.

“The bill was going to make a mandatory four-year minimum sentence for people who buy children to rape them and have sex with them and the Democrats voted against it,” wrote Colorado State Representative Pastor Scott Bottoms.

“They came up with every excuse, including that the buyers of the children are the victims, and that passing this bill would put children in harm,” Bottoms further noted.

So, what is happening on the state level with those who are ignoring protecting children in America?

“The democrats in the Colorado House of Representatives have declared all out war on children, parents, and life. They have voiced their desire to make Colorado the most liberal leftist state in America. The democrats continually vote to protect pedophiles and sexual predators while voting against babies and women,” wrote Bottoms. “They do not think parents have any rights over their own children — that is their words. Criminals are given rights every week in the legislator while rights are intentionally taken away from children. The next obvious step for democrats is to make pedophilia legal. This is coming in the next two years in Colorado. We need everyone’s help to combat this evil that is consuming Colorado,” wrote Pastor Bottoms.

"Christine Dolan is a formidable journalist. She has been ahead of all of us in the media having covered human trafficking now for almost a quarter of century. There are few journalists who can match her commitment, experience and knowledge on this subject, and her generosity to share with the rest of us. Shattered Innocence: A Shared Global Shame explains how she discovered a level of evil that many of us in legacy media never investigated." — Lara Logan, Award-winning television journalist and war correspondent.

Fourth in a series. See Part I, Part II, Part III

Free Press International
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