FPI / October 18, 2020
The nods of approval from an audience member wearing a red mask who was seated behind President Donald Trump during his Thursday NBC town hall in Miami went viral on social media, unhinging the Left and hailed by the woman's new fans.
"There are a lot of substantive comments to make about the two town halls," columnist Andrea Widburg wrote for American Thinker.
"Trump held up well even though Savannah Guthrie was attacking him like a maddened chihuahua. Biden also held up well thanks to George Stephanopoulos's gentle handling and an increasing number of very long commercial breaks. (And was Biden fed the questions in advance? He seemed unusually prepared.)
"But the real star had to be the woman in the red mask sitting behind Trump. She nodded supportively every time he answered and shook her head every time the maddened chihuahua interrupted and interrogated him."
The woman was identified by the Miami Herald as Mayra Joli, an immigration attorney, former beauty queen and pro-Trump activist who ran for Congress in Florida in 2018.
Among the comments about Joli on social media:
"The lady in the red mask right behind @realDonaldTrump is every Trump supporter right now. I'm nodding right along with her."
"The woman with the red mask behind trump is the best! By her head nods I know we are on the same page! Girl, let’s be friends!"
"The woman in the white shirt and red mask sitting behind the President is making this whole debacle bearable."
"Whoever the NBC employee was who vetted the wonderful woman in the red mask behind Trump is probably cleaning out their desk right now."
Leftists, to no surprise, fumed that Joli was a paid "plant":
"So annoying to see the woman with red cover mask behind Trump • hired to nod every second for Trump"
"Who is the woman behind him red mask who agrees by nodding her head every time he opens his mouth how much did they pay her this is disgusting!"
Free Press International