March 28, 2025
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  • Source: FreePressers
  • 12/17/2024
FPI / December 17, 2024

Noting the American media is "almost as corrupt as our elections," President-elect Donald Trump threatened to sue more outlets days after winning a $15 million settlement in a defamation suit against ABC News and on air personality George Stephanopoulos.

The Des Moines Register and pollster Ann Selzer, CBS's "60 Minutes", and the Pulitzer committee were all mentioned as potential lawsuit targets, Trump told reporters at a press conference on Monday.

“We have to straighten out our press,” Trump told reporters at a press conference on Monday.

One of those lawsuits which may be first in line, Trump said, is against the Des Moines Register.

Days before the Nov. 5 election, the Register published Selzer's poll which showed Kamala Harris with a three-percentage point lead in Iowa. The poll injected new life into a faltering Harris campaign and false hope into millions of Democrats.

Trump wound up winning Iowa by more than 13 points.

Trump claimed Selzer's poll was “fraud” and "election interference," adding "We’ll probably be filing a major lawsuit against them today or tomorrow."

Selzer continues to reject criticism of her poll which missed the mark by 16 points.

"Let's deal with the allegations because I am mystified about what the motivation anybody thinks I had and would act on in such a public poll. I don't understand it. And the allegations I take very seriously," Selzer said. "They're saying that this was election interference, which is a crime. So, the idea that I intentionally set up to deliver this response, when I've never done that before, I've had plenty of opportunities to do it, it's not my ethic."

Trump at Monday's press conference added: “We’re filing one on 60 Minutes. You know about that, where they took Kamala’s answer, which was a crazy answer. Horrible answer. And they took the whole answer out and they replaced it with something else she said later on in the interview, which was a great answer, but it wasn’t like the first one.”

The president-elect continued:

"We’re involved in one which has been going on for a while and very successfully against Bob Woodward, where he didn’t quote me properly from the tapes. And then on top of everything else, he sold the tapes, which he wasn’t allowed to do. He could only use them for reporting purposes, not for sale purposes. And he admits that.

"And I think we’ll be successful on that one. And we have one very interestingly on Pulitzer because reporters at The New York Times, Washington Post got Pulitzer Prizes for their wonderful, accurate, and highly professional reporting on the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. Well, it turned out to be a hoax and they were exactly wrong."
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