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FPI / January 17, 2021

President Donald Trump has begun the process of declassifying top-secret FBI documents showing Christopher Steele leaked his bogus dossier to the media in the final weeks of the 2016 election in an effort to mitigate damage from the Hillary Clinton email scandal.

Analysts who focus on the U.S. Intelligence Community said the documents are being regarded as a threat to Washington's political establishment which is rushing to impeach and in other ways silence the president during the sensitive period leading up to the Jan. 20 inauguration.

Steele told the bureau that then-FBI Director James Comey's decision to reopen the Clinton email investigation on Oct. 28, 2016, just 11 days before the election, triggered him to leak his dossier details to the media in what he described as a "taking-the-gloves-off" moment.

The documents "include FBI interviews and human source evaluation reports for two of the main informants in the Russia case, former MI6 agent Christopher Steele and academic Stefan Halper," John Solomon reported for Just the News on Friday.

The documents to be declassified by Trump "also expose a tantalizing connection" between Steele, his primary dossier source and one of the Democrats' key impeachment witnesses in the Ukraine scandal, former Trump National Security Council Russia expert Fiona Hill, Solomon noted.

Steele divulged to the FBI that he was introduced by Hill to his primary sub-source of information for the anti-Trump dossier and that he later told Hill that the source had provided information for his memos.

"The documents also will settle a long-debated question in Washington about whether the FBI's tactics amounted to spying on the Trump campaign," Solomon wrote.

Instructions the FBI gave to Halper, an academic who long worked as an FBI informant, make clear he was tasked with infiltrating the Trump campaign by posing as someone who wanted to work for the GOP nominee and then targeting campaign advisers to find out what they knew about Trump or his campaign's ties to Russia.

Halper was specifically instructed by the FBI to focus on campaign advisers Sam Clovis, George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, in some cases recording some of their conversations, the records are expected to show.

Trump authorized the release of the internal FBI and Department of Justice documents "that detail significant flaws in the investigation and provide a detailed timeline of when the FBI first realized the Steele dossier was problematic," multiple government officials told Solomon.

The documents show that Steele, a former British spy paid by Democrats to compile the bogus dossier, violated a confidential human source agreement with the FBI when he leaked information from his dossier to the media.

The documents show Steele had informed agents that he had two clients at the time — Clinton and the FBI — and chose the interests of Clinton over the bureau.

While Steele's leaking of the dossier to the media is not new, the documents Trump has declassified for the first time showed his motivation for leaking.

"His admission that the Russia collusion narrative, later debunked by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, was injected into the public as a means of counteracting Clinton's email scandal corroborates other information obtained by the CIA," Solomon noted.

Late last year, the Trump administration declassified evidence showing the CIA warned President Barack Obama and the FBI that it had intercepted intelligence indicating Hillary Clinton had personally ordered an operation to "vilify" Trump with a false story of collusion as a means of distracting from the negative publicity of her email scandal.

Multiple investigations have concluded that the information in Steele's dossier was debunked or never corroborated by the FBI and likely contained Russian disinformation planted with his sources.

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