February 17, 2025
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  • Source: FreePressers
  • 06/01/2021
FPI / June 1, 2021

Residents of Windham, New Hampshire were reportedly outraged to learn that the director of the forensic audit of the 2020 election ballots invited the president of the company which sold voting machines to the town to view the audit.

Computer scientist Harri Hursti invited LHS Associates President Jeff Silvestro directly onto the floor of the Windham forensic audit, in close proximity to the Dominion Voting Systems tabulators and their removable memory cards which were used in the 2020 election, Gateway Pundit reported on Sunday.

The Silvestro family has been affiliated for decades with LHS Associates and is the vendor in most New England states for Dominion Voting Systems’ Image-Cast electronic election machines and supplies.

"The man who services the town’s election machines has been allowed to be involved in the audit of those machines," the report noted. "That this represents a conflict of interest is readily apparent to anyone."

On May 22, Hursti told citizen journalist Nick Moseder that it was the decision of the forensic audit team to allow Silvestro to be there. That team includes computer scientist and statistician Philip Stark and political scientist Mark Lindeman.

A video shows Moseder interviewing Hursti and Stark in the parking lot outside the audit building. Moseder asks if they knew who gave Silvestro permission to be on the floor during the audit.

Hursti stated that the forensic audit team did. The video reveals that Stark was initially stunned by the announcement but quickly covered for Hursti, agreeing that it was the decision of the team. (See the video in here.)

"Stark clearly had not been updated by Hursti that the story was to be that the entire forensic audit team was responsible for this election machine salesman (Silvestro), the guy who also programs the Windham Diebold AV-OS removable memory cards – being deliberately inserted into the audit," the Gateway Pundit noted. "Thanks to Nick Moseder, Windham and New Hampshire citizens, and the world, now know that Hursti apparently made the decision to get this election machine fixer into the audit."

The New Hampshire secretary of state's office confirmed in a statement that, in addition to servicing the older Diebold units, LHS Associates also programs the removable memory cards.

"Dominion Voting Systems currently owns the intellectual property rights of the AccuVote device through the acquisition of another voting services company," the statement said. "Former owners of the AccuVote include Business Records Corp., Global, Diebold, ES&S, Premier and others. Dominion Voting Systems has never manufactured or programmed the devices used in New Hampshire. A long-time local vendor, LHS Associates from Salem, NH, sells and services the AccuVote ballot counting devices used in New Hampshire and other New England states. They also program the memory card used in each AccuVote device to properly read and record the choices made on each ballot as it is fed through the machine."

Gateway Pundit noted that LHS Associates, Silvestro and his father John, its CEO and treasurer, "could stand to lose a lot of money if Windham residents and taxpayers, disgusted with these election machines, decided – after this disaster of an audit – that they’re going to ditch these machines and go back to good old-fashioned hand-counted paper ballots, counted in public in front of everybody, with that count completed as soon as possible after the polls close on Election Day."

It appears that LHS has a corner on the market on the sale of electronic voting machines in New Hampshire. The same statement from the secretary of state's office cited above notes:

"The AccuVote machines are the only ones approved for use by the NH Ballot Law Commission (RSA 656:41), and the last approval to upgrade the AccuVote was issued in 2010. The decision to use an AccuVote ballot counting device is made at the local level, and is usually made to reduce the resources needed to conduct a hand-count."

Since the majority of New England states also contract with LHS Associates for their election machine purchases and service contracts, Gateway Pundit noted, "business could really tank if this Windham forensic audit revealed that these units and their memory cards are old and problematic."

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