July 27, 2024
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  • 04/01/2024
FPI / March 31, 2024

Attorney General Merrick Garland, a guy who looks and speaks like he could be intimidated by a light breeze, is underneath the yawn-inspiring veneer a relentless leftist who is intent on locking up Trump supporters while making it easier for those who might lean Democrat to vote, analysts say.

Actions speak louder than soft-spoken words.

Garland said that Jan. 6 has become “one of the largest and most complex and resource-intensive investigations in our history.”

Under Garland's direction, the Biden Department of Justice has spent millions of taxpayer dollars tracking down anyone who set foot on the Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, 2021. More than 1,250 people have been charged, and over 890 have been convicted under the full force of the DOJ's not-always-exercised prosecutorial pressure.

So, is Garland applying the law equally by going after leftist radicals who actually tried to bomb government buildings as opposed to Trump supporters who were waved into the U.S. Capitol by police, walked around, and left quietly?

Not a chance.

In a March 29 analysis, Washington Times reporter Susan Ferrechio cites the case of Elizabeth A. Duke.

Duke "jumped bail nearly four decades ago and has never been captured and prosecuted for blowing up a bomb near the Senate chamber. She also has "never faced charges for her role in bombing the Navy Yard and Fort McNair, or plotting to bomb other federal buildings, among them the Old Executive Office Building next to the White House and the Naval Academy in Annapolis," Ferrechio noted.

Garland signed off on dismissing the charges against Duke and quashing the arrest warrant.

"Democrats also helped free two other women, Susan Lisa Rosenberg and Linda Sue Evans, who along with Ms. Duke, were left-wing terrorists associated with the Weather Underground and the May 19 Communist Organization. They were charged with involvement in bombing the Capitol and the other federal buildings," Ferrechio added.

Meanwhile, Democrats have condemned Donald Trump for vowing to pardon Jan. 6 defendants if he wins another White House term in November.

“In terms of the double standard, here’s an actual bombing of the Senate chamber,” Paul Kamenar, counsel for the National Legal and Policy Center, said. “The Jan. 6 protest had some windows broken and things like that. But a bomb wasn’t set off.”

Honor their memory: The ‘shot heard round the world’

Then there is voter ID.

For some reason, Garland and fellow leftists don't believe blacks are capable of obtaining identification, so they are dead set against states enacting voter ID laws and seek to overturn those that have them.

Garland, on the eve of this month's Super Tuesday primaries, said states requiring voter ID at the polls and restricting drop boxes are suppressing black voters, and the DOJ has doubled the number of its lawyers to fight those laws.

Garland said recent court decisions have “drastically” weakened the 1965 Voting Rights Act, and that in the wake of those rulings, states have dramatically increased laws that make it harder for millions of eligible voters to vote. He said such measures “threaten the foundation of our system of government” and that the Justice Department is “fighting back” with more lawyers in its Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division.

“That is why we are challenging efforts by states and jurisdictions to implement discriminatory, burdensome, and unnecessary restrictions on access to the ballot, including those related to mail-in voting, the use of drop boxes, and voter ID requirements,” Garland said at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Selma, Alabama.

Responding to Garland, a Republican National Committee spokesperson said polling, including a recent Pew Research Poll, shows that 88% of Americans support voter ID, including 82% of black voters and 83% of Hispanic voters.

“The idea that widely supported election integrity measures are somehow inherently discriminatory is little more than a conspiracy theory,” the RNC spokesperson said.

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