January 04, 2025
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  • Source: FreePressers
  • 11/26/2020
FPI / November 24, 2020

In George Orwell’s dystopian novel "1984", Winston Smith is tasked with working for the Ministry of Truth, rewriting history with lies in a world where Big Brother was watching everyone.

CNN, MSNBC, the major alphabet networks, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and many other leftist media outlets have proudly accepted the role of Winston Smith in 2020 America.

And those Winston Smiths gleefully regurgitate whatever their leftist masters feed them, including enemies lists and the doxing of anyone who dares to counter their narrative.

The rewriting of history is "essentially happening to our country now, but not by the dystopian government described by Orwell but by a complex network of ideologists that are now in control of some of the most essential industries to America’s freedom," independent journalist Sara Carter noted on Nov. 21.

Carter cited a recent headline from leftist propaganda outlet Yahoo on a story about Donald Trump Jr’s covid diagnosis: "Former reality TV show host’s son tests positive for COVID-19".

As Carter noted: "What an insult to the American people and to President Trump. Yes, he is still the president of the United States. What was the point of this headline and others like this but to slowly rewrite history and to erase this President and the administration’s achievements."

Carter continued: "This is the truth about the 2020 election: 73 million Americans voted for Trump, the most of any Republican President in history. Moreover, if you, like me, believe that there may be a significant chance that this election was plagued with enough fraudulent behavior that only a thorough investigation could ever uncover, then he may have garnered the most votes of any American President.

"Regardless of where anyone stands politically, everyone should oppose these un-American tactics and disinformation war against the Commander-in-Chief."

The Left has long been planning for its Orwellian conquest of the United States and it will continue unabated "until patriotic Americans summon the courage to call Democrats the racists, liars, character assassins and aspiring totalitarians that they actually are. And to do so in so many words. Blowback works," conservative writer David Horowitz noted in essay titled “Fighting Words”.

Horowitz noted that the only reason Democrats are able to do justify the arson, looting and general destruction in more than 600 American cities this summer "is because Republicans, and conservatives generally, are too cowardly to confront them."

Horowitz noted: "This is not 'playing' people. It is war. They are trying to kill us politically, and we need to respond accordingly, to fight fire with fire. Today’s Democrat Party is a party of character assassins and racists. Republicans know this but are reluctant to say it. That is how a pathological liar and corrupt political whore like Joe Biden can accuse the choice of 73 million Americans of being a white supremacist and also murdering 220,000 coronavirus patients. That’s why Biden and his gunslingers can do so with no consequences – without so much as a wrist slap – from 'moderates' and independents, who know better. The Democrats’ ability to intimidate well-meaning Americans is that great."

He continued:

Democrats are not democrats; they are totalitarians. They have declared war on the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the Electoral College, the Senate, the Supreme Court, the election system, and the idea of civil order. They have called for the Republican President of the United States to be de-platformed and jailed. Their obvious goal is a one-party state that criminalizes dissent. To them, support for such basic necessities as borders and law enforcement are racist. If you oppose their efforts to legalize infanticide, they will condemn you as enemies of women, and if you make videos of their confessions to selling body parts of murdered infants, they will – like Kamala Harris – throw you in jail.

There are no easy fixes for the current national and constitutional crisis, Horowitz concluded:

[T]he only reason Democrats are able to do this so successfully – even going so far as to justify the arson, looting and general destruction in more than 600 American cities this summer – is because Republicans, and conservatives generally, are too cowardly to confront them. This war will continue until patriotic Americans summon the courage to call Democrats the racists, liars, character assassins and aspiring totalitarians that they actually are. And to do so in so many words. Blowback works.

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