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FPI / August 5, 2024

Corporate WATCH

Commentary by Joe Schaeffer @Schaeff55

Full documentation of Kamala Harris’s fealty to notorious progressive globalist billionaire George Soros and his nation-destroying agenda is far too extensive to list in just one article. Perhaps the best way to understand the Soros-Harris relationship is by observing the workings of one of his most financially-favored puppet organizations.

Democracy Alliance has been labeled “a powerful network of major liberal donors” by leading establishment newspaper The New York Times and “[t]he country’s most powerful liberal donor club” by big-box media outlet Politico.

Soros’s fingerprints are all over DA. He co-founded the entity. Its current president, Pamela Shifman, formerly served as Program Coordinator for his Open Society Institute Network Women’s Program. Her predecessor, Gara LaMarche, had previously been Vice President and Director of U.S. Programs for Soros’s Open Society Foundations. Harris has regularly appeared either live or via video at annual Democracy Alliance events, including in 2015, 2017 and 2021.

The Washington Free Beacon wrote in a preview of the 2017 summit:

A few hours earlier guests can attend "A Talk with George Soros," who will be introduced with a "special videotaped message" by Democratic Senator Kamala Harris.

Harris gave her 2021 remarks to the organization via pre-recorded video. Why? She had other Soros duties to attend to, appearing at the Paris Peace Forum sponsored by “strategic partner” Open Society Foundations:

Amazingly, Harris – the sitting Vice President of the United States of America – had to pre-record a speech for a Soros political front group whose meeting last week she was forced to miss because she had to fly to France to attend a Soros international conference instead.

Eight days before installed President Joe Biden announced July 21 that he was ending his campaign for re-election, NBC News ran a feature article (posted hours before former President Donald Trump was shot in a failed assassination attempt) helping to lay the groundwork for a Kamala coup that was clearly in the works ahead of time. “Liberal groups are finding Kamala Harris polls well with some groups as Biden struggles,” the headline read. Democracy Alliance was front and center promoting Harris on the outsized platform presented by NBC:

Pamela Shifman, president of Democracy Alliance, a network of major liberal donors, echoed that sentiment [of supporting Harris as the Biden fade was entering end-stage]. “We will always continue lifting up the leadership of our Vice President Kamala Harris,” she said in a statement. “Next week, Republicans’ racist and sexist attacks on our vice president will grow [at the GOP convention] and it’s all of our jobs to help push back.”

“The Embattled Biden Campaign Tests Kamala Harris’s Strength vs. Trump,” The New York Times plastered above its July 11 “news” effort to help the cause. It too leaned on Democracy Alliance as a key part of the campaign to take Biden out:

The Democracy Alliance, a powerful network of major liberal donors, released a memo to members on Thursday morning [July 11] stressing its commitment to funding House races in what Pamela Shifman, the president of the group, framed as a “challenging moment.” The memo made no direct mention of Mr. Biden, other than alluding to the fact that he could lose.

To reiterate: Shifman is a former employee of George Soros and, for all practical purposes, remains on the payroll in her position at Democracy Alliance.

Harris could easily be mistaken for Soros personnel as well. And one with seniority, at that. In 2018, The Sacramento Bee noted that Sen. Harris was helping Soros elect radical progressive district attorneys in California:

Sen. Kamala Harris and billionaire philanthropist and hedge fund manager George Soros appear to be aligned politically in the Sacramento County district attorney’s race.

The Los Angeles Times in 2014 detailed how two former Harris staffers were working with Soros to usher in his disastrous soft-on-crime “criminal justice reform” agenda:

The California effort was initiated by Tim Silard, who ran alternative sentencing programs for California Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris when she was San Francisco district attorney, and Dan Zingale, who was chief of staff to then-first lady Maria Shriver....

In 2013, Soros provided money to create a new organization called Vote Safe to launch Proposition 47. Soros... has a representative on Vote Safe’s three-member advisory board.

The campaign manager for both Citizens for Safety and Justice and Vote Safe is Lenore Anderson, another former aide to Kamala Harris who once ran the public safety offices in San Francisco and Oakland. Anderson said the ballot initiative was encouraged by polls that showed a softening in public attitudes toward criminal punishment.

In 2018, Jill Habig was the recipient of an Open Society Foundations’ “Leadership in Government Fellowship Grant” in support of the Public Rights Project, a legal activist group she founded. Habig’s University of California, Berkeley Law School faculty bio reads:

Before founding PRP, Jill was the Deputy Campaign Manager and Policy Director for Kamala Harris for U.S. Senate, and served as policy director for her transition team.

Prior to joining the campaign, she served as Special Counsel to then-Attorney General Harris, advising the Attorney General on key legal issues and policy initiatives. Her work emphasized consumer fraud, health, education, human trafficking, and civil rights, including issues related to gender and LGBT rights.

A few weeks before her disastrous run for the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination came to an end in December 2019, Harris went out of her way to make a very strange trip that only makes sense as an act of duty to Soros and Democracy Alliance. Virginia state legislator Kathy Tran appeared at the April, 2019 Democracy Alliance Spring Strategy Conference. A few months later, this interrupted Kamala's campaign:

On Oct. 27, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), who has repeatedly declared that the next president of the United States must be a “unifier,” took a very deliberate moment away from her usual campaign stops to travel to the Washington, D.C. suburb of Northern Virginia. She traveled there to boost the re-election campaign of state Delegate Kathy Tran. Tran became notorious in January for being the chief proponent of a bill to allow abortion without time limit in the Old Dominion.

Why would she do such a thing? Read up about DA-funded State Innovation Exchange and how it authors pre-fab legislation for Democrat elected officials here. Along with being crowned “border czar” of the Biden administration, Harris was also granted the label “AI Czar.” Once again, Soros explicitly saw her as an asset. Harris predictably played the gender and race cards to the hilt in this role last Fall:

When Vice President Kamala Harris arrived at the UK’s inaugural AI Safety Summit in November, many industry leaders and government officials in attendance were intensely focused on the existential, sci-fi-esque risks of a hypothetical “runaway AI” one day causing catastrophic harm.

Harris reframed the conversation around more immediate concerns.

“When a woman is threatened by an abusive partner with explicit, deepfake photographs, is that not existential for her?” Harris said in a speech at the US embassy in London during the event. “When a young father is wrongfully imprisoned because of biased AI facial recognition, is that not existential for his family?”

This is the same language employed by a Soros venture known as the Trust, Accountability and Inclusion Collaborative. “TAI donors work together with partners around the globe to strengthen trust, and accountability and inclusion around the world through participatory approaches,” the group states on its website. Open Society Foundations is prominently listed as a “member” of the collaborative. In an X post, TAI namedrops OSF as one of the organizations eager to work with Harris on AI “inclusion”:
  Hard-leftist powerhouse philanthropy the Ford Foundation (a close Soros ally) is also a TAI member. Last November, it issued a news release specifically endorsing and connecting itself to Harris’s DEI AI agenda:

Today, a group of ten leading philanthropies announced a bold new initiative to ensure that AI advances the public interest in the areas of need identified today by Vice President Kamala Harris. Participating foundations are committed to leveraging and aligning grantmaking toward progress on these urgent issues.

These institutions are collectively contributing more than $200 million in funding toward public interest efforts to mitigate AI harms and promote responsible use and innovation.

There’s a very good reason Kamala Harris frequently meets with Soros empire anointed heir Alexander Soros. She has proven to be a faithful and obedient servant of his father's corrosive agenda. Look how far it’s gotten this otherwise startlingly mediocre politician today, and shudder to ponder where it may get her next.

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