March 14, 2025
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  • Source: FreePressers
  • 08/03/2021
FPI / August 1, 2021


The network that called Arizona for Joe Biden early on Election Night doesn’t want to run Mike Lindell’s election fraud ads. And it now may lose the My Pillow CEO’s business altogether.

Lindell “has requested to have his ads pulled from the Fox News schedule, following a disagreement over a potential commercial,” The Wall Street Journal reported July 29.

The paper’s report seems to make it clear that Fox deliberately wants to steer clear of any questioning of the legitimacy of the Nov. 3 presidential election:

Mr. Lindell said he wanted to cancel the ads as soon as possible and that he had told his ad buyer to inform Fox News.

Mr. Lindell said he had asked the network to air a commercial promoting a cyber symposium, which he is scheduled to live stream next month. Mr. Lindell said the commercial wouldn’t specifically mention claims of election fraud. But he has said the symposium will prove the 2020 election was stolen from then-President Donald Trump through manipulation of election machines.

Fox News infamously called Arizona, a state that is now the focus of an eye-opening audit that threatens to rip open the controversy surrounding the elevation of installed President Biden into the White House, well before notoriously Democrat-aligned networks ABC, CBS and NBC.

The network that was once considered the only conservative voice in cable news has taken a marked turn to the big-box establishment “mainstream” in recent years. Former President Donald Trump has been a consistent critic of the change, and points to the addition of former GOPe House Speaker Paul Ryan to the Fox Corp. Board of Directors as a turning point for the network.

“It was the day [announced in March 2019] that Ryan went on the board of Fox (Fox will never be the same!) that Fox totally lost its way and became a much different place, with millions of its greatest supporters fleeing for good,” Trump asserted in a May statement.

“Paul Ryan has been a curse to the Republican Party. He has no clue as to what needs to be done for our Country, was a weak and ineffective leader, and spends all of his time fighting Republicans as opposed to Democrats who are destroying our Country,” Trump continued.

Since leaving Congress, Ryan has fully outed himself as a Uniparty servant by becoming a “senior advisor” to Teneo, a Swamp PR firm that has its founding genesis in the sordid financial wasp nest of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s philanthropic network.

Fox News has also taken to rolling out PSAs promoting coronavirus vaccination this month, just as the pressure campaign to enact mandatory jabs increases in intensity. The network ads came in synch with leading Fox News hosts' on-air pronouncements urging viewers to line up for their inoculation.

"Please take Covid seriously. I can't say it enough. Enough people have died. We don't need any more death. Research like crazy. Talk to your doctor... I believe in science. I believe in the science of vaccination,” prime-time star Sean Hannity emoted on his July 19 program.

“MyPillow spent almost $50 million on Fox News last year and so far this year has shelled out about $19 million for ad time on the network, Mr. Lindell said,” The Wall Street Journal reported.

“Mr. Lindell said he is being silenced over his election claims,” it also stated.

The fact that Fox News is willing to risk kissing a $50 million client goodbye shows how committed the network is to its new direction. And that direction does not include questioning the astonishing events that occurred on Nov. 3 and the wee hours of Nov. 4 in key battleground states across the nation.

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