October 17, 2024
  • by:
  • Source: FreePressers
  • 05/29/2024
FPI / May 24, 2024

The Biden Department of Justice continues to insist that the authorization to use deadly force in the raid on Donald Trump's Florida residence at Mar-a-Lago was nothing out of the ordinary.

Not surprisingly, regime media ran interference for the feds.

The Washington Post published a story titled "How Trump used his own court filing to claim an 'assassination' attempt'.

The Associated Press ran a "fact check" titled "Trump distorts use of ‘deadly force’ language in FBI document for Mar-a-Lago search'.

Many backed the following social media post as being the more accurate description in pointing out that the FBI did not coordinate with the Secret Service in advance of the raid on Mar-a-Lago while the bureau did contact the Secret Service prior to searching Joe Biden's residence in Delaware:

JUST RELEASED in court documents, the Biden Administration and DOJ approved “DEADLY FORCE” when they decided to raid Trump’s home in 2022.

Previously reported and known is that the raid had a helicopter, boats and did not coordinate with the Secret Service in advance?! They just showed up?! They also had paramedics accompany the FBI in case there was a shootout?!

This administration did everything they possibly could to increase the likelihood that something would go south among law enforcement. WHY?! Career prosecutors and attorney generals agree nothing about this was standard.

Think how insane this all is?! Why would there be a shootout if the FBI coordinated in advance, which is normal, with the Secret Service, just like they did for the “raid” at Biden’s house??? There wouldn’t be.

Did paramedics and choppers go to Biden’s house to get documents? NO. Why not? You know why.

It’s clear to me that this administration was perfectly fine placing all federal and local law enforcement in harms way, when they didn’t coordinate with the Secret Service, going to one of the SAFEST places on earth. Why the paramedics? Why the boats? Why the chopper?

Notice a theme with the left and current administration. They try and cause chaos whenever and however possible. I believe they will stop at nothing to get the outcome they want and that puts everyone in their way in tremendous danger.

Ask yourself, was everything the Biden administration, DOJ and FBI did intentional? If you believe they’re NOT incompetent, the the answer is YES, it was all intentional. Now you know what they INTENTIONALLY did.

Why? You know the reason why. There’s isn’t ONE person that would say this was appropriate in good faith. So what now? Imagine what this Biden administration is planning next if they allowed “deadly force” with this? Imagine the problems they’re going to create? This is all total insanity.

THIS is what illegitimate figures do, to try and maintain what’s not theirs to begin with. Cancel out the person that should be there. How could anyone vote for Biden and the Democrat Party knowing this took place? Why does all this need to be spelled out?

How can millions of adults with far greater life experience than me look at something like this and think it’s ok? Where has common sense gone?

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Free Press International
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