March 14, 2025
  • by:
  • Source: FreePressers
  • 04/16/2021
FPI / April 14, 2021

A new undercover video released by Project Veritas shows a CNN director admitting the leftist network engaged in propaganda with the goal of removing President Donald Trump from office.

"Our focus was to get Trump out of office," CNN technical director Charlie Chester says.

"I came to CNN because I wanted to be a part of that," Chester says.

Chester says he's certain that CNN affected the outcome of the election.

"If it wasn't for CNN, I don't know that Trump would have got voted out."

Chester says that CNN went out of its way to question the physical and mental health of Trump while avoiding any question of Joe Biden's physical and mental capacity by portraying the Democrat as a "young geriatric."

"We were creating a story (Re: Trump health) there that we didn't know anything about, you know," Chester says, adding "That's what I think — that's propaganda."

"We would always show shots of him (Biden) jogging," Chester says.

And, the director said, the next CNN propaganda effort will be aimed at climate alarmism.

"Climate change fear-mongering is next," Chester said.

Free Press International

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