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  • 11/22/2021
FPI / November 21, 2021


Who knew? A riveting new report has shed needed light on the vast scope of Bill Gates’ financial influence over Western major media outlets.

Alan Macleod at Mint Press lists a staggering number of media organizations that have been recipients of financial donations from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

“After sorting through over 30,000 individual grants, MintPress can reveal that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has made over $300 million worth of donations to fund media projects,” Macleod writes.

Among the more interesting “journalists” from a variety of different platform possibilities taking the Gates money are:


The Atlantic



The Conversation

The Daily Telegraph

Der Spiegel

Education Week


Grist Magazine

The Guardian

Inside Higher Ed

Le Monde

National Journal

Texas Tribune


As WorldTribune reported Nov. 17, elites like Gates are seeking to establish a ruling control mechanism over the Western world. From the mission statement of the Paris Peace Forum, an annual George Soros-funded international conference that Vice President Kamala Harris flew to France to attend this month:

We foster hybrid coalitions by gathering old and new actors of global governance: states and international organizations, but also NGOs, companies, foundations, philanthropic organizations, development agencies, religious groups, trade unions, think tanks, universities, and civil society at large.

Melinda Gates was a featured speaker at the 2021 Paris Peace Forum. Her name can be found under the "Other Actors of Global Governance" heading on the event's Speaker's page. Mark Malloch Brown, President of Soros's Open Society Foundations, is also listed under that heading, along with several big-box media journalists. “Media Partners” for the event included: AFP, CNBC, CNN, Foreign Policy, Politico and The New York Times.

In a particularly arrogant show of disrespect to their readers, these Gates-soiled media companies like to resort to writing out meaningless and wildly inappropriate self-congratulatory “disclaimers” to run with their flagrantly positive coverage of the people they take money from.

The Texas Tribune: Taking cash from the people we report on is a wonderful thing:

Donors and members subscribe to The Texas Tribune’s belief that promoting greater civic engagement and informed discourse is a direct route to a better and more productive Texas. They play no role in guiding the journalism produced by the Tribune or the planning and execution of events.

The Guardian clearly states its Bill Gates association; it is the first organization mentioned on its “Philanthropic Partnerships” page. The alleged news site ludicrously asserts that taking money from the people it reports on is essential to fighting for social justice:

The Guardian, like many news organisations around the world, is working to find new ways to fund our journalism to ensure we can continue to produce quality, independent journalism in the public interest.

Increasing philanthropic support for our independent journalism helps fund impactful Guardian reporting on important topics such as modern-day slavery, women’s rights, climate change, migration and inequality....

The underlying premise of all philanthropic support for the Guardian is that it is for editorial priorities that have already been identified by Guardian editors. Throughout the process of securing philanthropic support, the Guardian’s philanthropy editors and other senior editors confer about its suitability and the editor-in-chief has the final say on whether a funding opportunity is approved.

Influential German magazine Der Spiegel just nabbed a cool $2.9 million from Gates,’s German edition reports: (translated from German)

According to information from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the impressive sum of 2,900,000 US dollars, that is just under 2.5 million euros, found its way into an account with the magazine in October of this year.

And here is Der Spiegel publishing a fawning interview of Gates in 2020 with this subheadling:

He has invested vast sums of money in the search for a coronavirus vaccine, but is also a favorite target of conspiracy theorists. In an interview, Bill Gates discusses the progress toward a vaccine and what the U.S. has done wrong in the coronavirus pandemic.

Der Spiegel's disclaimer on taking money from the people it reports on (yes, we're gonna keep emphasizing this) comes in a box on the left side of the page. It is utterly shameless. The magazine presents taking the Gates money as a positive good, with not even the slightest recognition given to acknowledging the flagrant conflict of interest that is so clearly represents:

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which he runs with his wife, is by far the most powerful private charity foundation in the world. Since its founding 20 years ago, it has invested more than $20 billion in the development and distribution of life-saving vaccines, including recent investments in numerous projects aimed at developing a COVID-19 vaccine.

In addition to such research, the Gates Foundation also provides support to media outlets in the U.S. and Europe, including the Global Societies project at DER SPIEGEL, which has received a grant of around 2.3 million euros over a three-year period. You can read the articles produced as a result of that cooperation here.

As a closing thought, how about this highly interesting Gates admission on the coronavirus jab to Der Spiegel?

What do you consider experimental? We're looking at every possible way. There is no way that any vaccine that has ever been made isn't being used to go after coronavirus. There are challenges with every one of the approaches. Making a new vaccine is a hard thing. There is no conventional approach. So just throw out the word conventional. There's nothing conventional going on here. Everything we're doing here is unconventional. The idea that one company designs a vaccine and another company manufactures it: That's never been done before, ever. Regulators are tearing out their hair. I don't think there's any technique that is being ignored.

Imagine if a real journalist not tainted by the dirty money was asking the follow-up question to these shocking remarks? All you can do is imagine, because when Bill Gates talks to his employees in the big-box media, he is always in complete control of the narrative.

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