July 26, 2024
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  • Source: FreePressers
  • 05/05/2023
FPI / May 1, 2023

In just one week's time, 17,000 migrants were reported as "gotaways," or those who illegally enter the United States without being caught, U.S. Border Patrol chief Raul Ortiz said in an April 28 tweet.

More than 51,000 migrants were caught attempting to illegally cross U.S. borders over the same time, Ruiz said.

The same one week period saw Border Patrol apprehend 17 sex offenders and five gang members, seize 45 pounds of fentanyl, 614 pounds of cocaine, 246 pounds of methamphetamine, and $31,000 cash, Ruiz said.

Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins noted: "The surge is already here with less than two weeks before T42 (Title 42) lifts… The RGV sector has already encountered, screened and processed more Venezuelans in the past 12 days — 20,865 — than Del Rio did w the Haitian surge back in 2021 over 17 days - 19,752."

As illegals continue to pour across Joe Biden's open borders, Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley has called on FBI Director Chris Wray to investigate the 85,000 migrant children who have been released into the U.S. and have "gone missing" on Biden's watch, meaning the government no longer has contact with them.

Hawley wrote in a letter to Wray that the unaccompanied minor children at the southern border are being abused sexually and have been handed over to "modern-day slave traders."

"Reporting reveals that HHS loosened vetting processes for sponsors and retaliated against whistleblowers who raised these concerns," Hawley's letter reads. "As a result, thousands of children have been handed over to modern-day slave traders. They are forced into factory work under punishing conditions. They are forced to make auto parts, process meat in slaughterhouses, and reroof houses."

Hawley continued: "They are denied food, education, and sometimes fear for their lives. They suffer sexual violence. In a country that claims to value the rule of law and the protection of children, this is unconscionable."

The FBI, Hawley wrote, "must mount a full-scale effort to locate these missing children and to bring to justice the criminals who are holding them in modern-day slavery. The FBI must also investigate HHS and the Department of Homeland Security for their role in facilitating the exploitation of these children, in violation of the law."

Meanwhile, new photos have emerged of migrant children being kept in cages at the southern border.

Democrats were worried about this a month ago, according to the Daily Mail,

"Democrats are fighting mad about a report the Biden administration is considering bringing back family detention of migrants – calling to mind the so-called ‘kids in cages’ frenzy of the Trump administration," the Daily Mail report said.

With Title 42, which allows authorities to promptly deport migrants, expiring in May, "senior White House and Homeland Security officials are discussing the possibility of reinstating" the kids in cages program, The New York Times reported.

"These reports are deeply concerning — reinstating family detention would be a grave mistake," California Democrat Sen. Alex Padilla tweeted.

The photos show that kids in cages has already been reinstated to some extent, critics say.

May observers on social media wondered why New York socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who staged photos of her sobbing at the border over child migrants she claimed were being detained under Trump, has not rushed to the border to protest Team Biden caging children.

Free Press International
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