September 07, 2024
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  • Source: FreePressers
  • 09/10/2023
FPI / September 6, 2023

Joe Biden's executive orders have ended 89 of President Donald Trump’s border security measures.

New Biden regulations make taxpayer-funded benefits of cash payments, food, and medical care readily available to illegal aliens who cross the U.S. southern border.

Furthermore, Biden and Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas shifted funds that took Border Patrol agents off of enforcement duties and put them on the processing of thousands of illegals.

Essentially, the Biden regime has transitioned Border Patrol into one big "welcoming committee" for future Democrat voters, a columnist noted.

"The groundwork is already underway by left-wing activists to devalue U.S. citizenship so they can attach newcomers to registration rolls," Rowan Scarborough wrote for The Washington Times on Aug. 30.

The Heritage Foundation recently released a deep-dive report that explains Team Biden's border strategy:

“The Biden Administration is using hundreds of billions of federal dollars to shift federal agencies and personnel further away from enforcing the nation’s immigration laws and toward processing and accommodating millions more illegal aliens,” researchers Erin Dwinell and Hannah Davis wrote. “This policy agenda defies federal law and abuses American taxpayer dollars, and Congress should act to halt it.”

The report, “The Cost of Biden’s Border Crisis: The First Two Years”, makes "a great case" for impeaching Biden, Scarborough wrote, adding its is a "clear dereliction of duty. He took an oath to protect us, then launched an anti-American scheme to let in cartel/gang traffic if that meant the overall human onslaught included Democrat voters."

If Joe Biden’s portrait "does not adorn cartel haciendas for nightly tequila toasts, it should," Scarborough added. "The invisible border has ushered in a de facto alliance between Biden and the Mexican cartels. Safely ensconced in Mexico, they rake in millions by poisoning and killing us with Chinese-designed drugs and by smuggling slave children, gang members and terrorists. The cartel’s take on smuggling alone is over $10 billion a year."

Non-government activist groups, meanwhile, have been the recipients in millions in funding from the Biden team in order "to funnel migrants across the border," Scarborough wrote. "The funding comes from the State Department’s Migration and Refugee Assistance account, which is slated to receive $35 billion in new spending over the next eight years."

The "welcoming committee" established by Team Biden means that illegal aliens can arrive at the border, apply for asylum, "and then enjoy the fruits of America for years as the bureaucracy works through a hopelessly long waiting list," Scarborough wrote.

It’s a game the Biden administration is all too willing to play.

Lora Ries, director of the Heritage Foundation’s Border Security and Immigration Center, said it is a game the Biden team is all too willing to play:

“There is no annual cap on asylum applications and no fee for the application. With nearly 9 million benefit applications pending at [U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services] and over 2.2 million cases in the immigration court backlog, aliens know that filing an asylum application buys them years here in the U.S., during which time they can work, have U.S. citizen children, and put down roots, making their deportation less likely.”

Scarborough added: "That this is a scam based on bogus asylum claims is underscored by this fact: U.S. immigration judges granted only 14% of asylum petitions last year. In other words, the vast majority of asylum claims are bogus."

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, a Republican, has filed a lawsuit to uncover how Biden and Mayorkas gutted border patrol safeguards to ensure that millions of migrants were illegally released into the country.

Mayorkas did this by scuttling mechanisms in place to reject migrants on the spot while limiting detention capacity, Moody said.

Border Patrol chief Raul Ortiz, who recently retired, testified to Congress that the Biden team left him no choice but to release thousands of illegals on a continuing basis.

Moody said Mayorkas clearly violated federal law. She cited a Supreme Court decision that said migrants “shall” be detained until they are deported, or their asylum claims are granted.

“Yet, from the beginning of the Biden Administration and Secretary Mayorkas’s service, DHS has had a non-detention policy, where illegal immigrants were not only being released but they were being released without even having a removal proceeding begun or making an asylum claim,” Moody wrote in and April letter to House Republican leaders as she called on them to impeach the homeland security secretary.

Moody added: “Secretary Mayorkas has handed the keys to our border to organizations [read cartels] that should be designated foreign terrorist organizations.”

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