May 18, 2024
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Washington Exposé: Episode 37

Show Notes

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only podcast in America that goes back to college to go “old-school” on America’s education system and the outright scam it’s been pulling by robbing blind America’s next generation.  Your hosts Bill Wilson, Carter Clews, and Larry Ward don their super-togas and do a shamalamadingdong on the professors of America who think that their oh-so demanding nine-hour work weeks justify their $150k plus salaries. While they’re at school today, the fellas teach us some more fun words such as “derisive” and “Prag” and how they apply to the hypocritical left and their attempts to split the country just in time for the November elections.  Speaking of elections, Bill Wilson tears into the whole “vote by mail” fraud by exemplifying just how fun the mail-in ballot primaries were in various locations recently. Bill levels the playing field with one bombshell thought, “you really want to put the fate of democracy in the hands of the Post Office?” On that note, Carter Clews breaks into a rendition of John Lennon’s song Imagine and rubs the whole peace movement with some super-strength hand-sanitizer in an attempt to wash away the images of Michigan Governor Amy Witman’s hypocritical ignoring of her own social distancing orders to lock arm in arm with her brethren radicals to march while singing, “I’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony,” as they swill their warm, flat Coca-Colas.  Listeners of today’s edition are strongly advised to ask their mail carriers how they feel about putting the fate of the free world in their ink-smugged, wrinkled canvas mail pouches while at the same time try and avoid being eaten by the Pit Bulls chained to every inner-city front porch in our great capitalist-hating, eat-the-rich, social-welfare sucking society that we now call home. 

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