October 18, 2024
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Washington Exposé: Episode 25

Show Notes

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only podcast in America unafraid to walk on the dry sand side of the beach or play an invigorating round of doubles tennis whenever we want.  Hosts Bill Wilson, Carter Clews, and Larry Ward cover more ground in only 30 minutes today than what the Washington Post could cover in a full year of commentary.  Today’s show takes a hard look at the growing hypocrisy the newly formed Pandemic Party (trademark pending), has been instituting around the country. Carter Clews contributes a sampling of strange statewide and factless-based rules we’re now supposed to live by.  Rules like it’s ok to walk in the watery sand of a beach, but dare enjoy the warm, dry sand between your toesies and you’re in the big house with Bubba.  Feel like a rousing game of tennis at the Club?  That’s fine, just don’t make it doubles or you’ll double your chances of paying the piper. Heading to Florida to see grandma? Great, fill out this form courtesy of the Florida Department of Health that gives the state permission to stick a vaccine needle in your body despite your personal beliefs and desires to do otherwise. Perhaps soon, we can all get together in a big rally with matching armbands and pump up the volume of rhetoric to drown out Amendments 1 through 10 of the Constitution.  And, they call conservatives Nazis. The fellas examine the attack on religion and churches while abortion clinics, liqueur, and marijuana stores and lottery locations operate virtually unabated. If all that isn’t enough or one podcast, put your seatbelts on for Bill Wilson’s spot-point commentary about just what freedom will mean in America if the nonsense doesn't stop.   

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Biden surrenders the United States at the border. Game over.

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Welcome to Washington Expose, the only podcast in America is merely mentioning that it's hard enough to put our own kids through junior college, let alone everyone else's. Reparations is the big subject on today's show and the fellas spill the truth on what's really behind the Biden Administration's push to reengage the issue of reparations -- what you're going to learn will blow you away.

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Welcome to Washington Expose, the only podcast in America is merely mentioning that it's hard enough to put our own kids through junior college, let alone everyone else's. Reparations is the big subject on today's show and the fellas spill the truth on what's really behind the Biden Administration's push to reengage the issue of reparations -- what you're going to learn will blow you away.

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Welcome to Washington Expose, the only podcast in America is merely mentioning that it's hard enough to put our own kids through junior college, let alone everyone else's. Reparations is the big subject on today's show and the fellas spill the truth on what's really behind the Biden Administration's push to reengage the issue of reparations -- what you're going to learn will blow you away. Listeners of today's show are strongly encouraged to get your kids through college now so you can pay for someone else's kid's tuition in the near future thanks to Joe Joe the Sock Puppet.

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"There’s no crisis at the border" despite thousands of illegals per day…

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The Hunter Biden Headlines Just Write Themselves

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