February 10, 2025
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Even Honest Abe Would Be Disgusted

Show Notes

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America hosted by three guys who have been so far up to their keisters in swamp rot that they know of what they speak.  It’s a doozy today folks as we look at the Rittenhouse trial and the ramifications of a Not Guilty finding … how does the left act then?  Where will be the distraction they’ll cause? Another mass shooting or have they worn that one out?  Then, it’s to Kamala and her role as Acting President while Traitor Joe gets his butt looked at, an event not listed on his daily schedule and which took him from a meeting with the President and Mexico and Canadian Prime Minister Castro. Then, we go for the raw meat of the show and discuss exactly what your government chooses not to tell you and why … seriously, even Honest Abe would be disgusted. Are they so swamped with work they can’t return your calls and emails? What IS the thinking Members of Congress really have about their constituents?   Viewers of today’s program are strongly encouraged to bourbon. 

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