July 26, 2024

U.S. Politics

Trump: California recall ‘another giant Election Scam’
New revelations about Gov. Gavin Newsom's wife and a slew of endorsements picked up by Larry Elder will likely mean nothing in a "rigged" California recall election, former President Donald Trump and analyst Wayne Allen Root noted. Read More.
Trump calls Biden's vax mandate a distraction
Joe Biden, with his Big Media allies, trotted out new Covid vaccine mandates on Thursday in an attempt to distract Americans from the ongoing Afghanistan disaster, former President Donald Trump said. Read More.
AZ Sen. Rogers: Sec. Hobbs 'going to the slammer'
As the state's top elections official, Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs presided over what critics say was a 2020 election marred by massive fraud and irregularities. Read More.
Leftists seen as biggest threat at 'Justice for J6' rally
Leftists are working overtime to convince the media and law enforcement that a Sept. 18 rally at the U.S. Capitol in support of Jan. 6 detainees will be violent, organizers of the rally say. Read More.
Elder’s lead in Calif. recall terrifies leftwing media
Larry Elder said the prospect of his becoming the first black governor of California has the leftwing establishment press "scared to death." Read More.
A GOP candindate with backbone in deep blue Illinois
Bobby Piton is a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in 2022 in deep blue Illinois. And he is not holding back when it comes to speaking out on what transpired in the November 2020 election. Read More.
Biden does not believe life begins at conception
As the Left and its Big Media surrogates continue their all out effort to block the Texas fetal heartbeat law, after the Supreme Court rejected a petition to stop it, Joe Biden on Friday further revealed that his claim to be a "devout Catholic" is a myth. Read More.
Utah voters ready for Romney — to take a hike
The Beehive State wants Sen. Mitt Romney to buzz off. Read More.
Colorado Sec. of State bans Arizona-style audits
Colorado Democrat Secretary of State Jena Griswold has permanently banned Arizona-style third-party election audits in Colorado. Read More.
Rep. Mo Brooks sets 3 options for Biden exit
If Joe Biden does not resign, or is not removed via the 25th Amendment, then he must face an impeachment trial and removal from office for "treason" after his disastrous handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, Alabama Republican Rep. Mo Brooks said. Read More.
Report: 43,900 DeKalb ballots violated chain of custody
Georgia election officials certified 43,907 absentee ballots from DeKalb County in the 2020 election despite the ballots being in violation of state chain of custody requirements, a report said. Read More.
Herschel Walker to run for Georgia senate set
Herschel Walker on Wednesday confirmed that he is running for a Georgia Senate seat as a Republican. Read More.
Trump ad slams 'surrenderer-in-chief' Biden
Shortly after Joe Biden’s press conference in which he groveled before the Taliban and committed to the original deadline of pulling troops out of Afghanistan, former President Donald Trump released an ad which dismantles the Biden team's dreadful performance on the world and domestic stages. Read More.
MTG: ‘Infrastructure ’ is Dems' ‘communist manifesto’
Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, one of the few GOP members of Congress to still possess a backbone, pointed out that just $110 billion of the Democrats' massive $1.2 trillion infrastructure legislation is "for real infrastructure." Read More.
Top GOP official in Penn. blocks forensic audit bid
The Republican leader of Pennsylvania's state Senate may have effectively shut down a fellow Republican's effort to launch a full forensic audit of the 2020 election in the Keystone State. Read More.

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