July 27, 2024

U.S. Politics

Bowman loses NY primary; Boebert cruises in new CO district
New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a member of the so-called "Squad" of Democrat socialists, lost in Tuesday's Democrat primary on Tuesday night. Read More.
Indiana GOP delegates choose medical liberty activist for Lt. Gov.
Delegates at the Indiana Republican state convention on Saturday staged a revolt in choosing for lieutenant governor a pastor and citizen activist who spoke out for medical liberty during the Covid lockdowns and vax mandates over the chosen candidate of the party's nominee for governor. Read More.
Report: Dems may use ‘virtual convention’ to replace Biden
Fearing a rapidly deteriorating Joe Biden will bring the party down with him, Democrat heavyweights including Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer are secretly weighing a plot to replace the 81-year-old at the top of the party's 2024 ticket, a report said. Read More.
WaPo dream: Hillary replaces Kamala, then takes over for Joe
It is getting harder by the day for legacy media to prop up an obviously deteriorating Joe Biden. So, now, they are floating versions of Plan B. Read More.
Elon Musk: ‘Eliminate electronic voting machines’
Electronic voting machines should not be in use in U.S. elections due to their vulnerability to being hacked, Elon Musk said. Read More.
Americans mistrust elections more than any other democracy
The fact is that, among democracies, America is essentially alone in having nearly half its population mistrust election results. So, either America is cursed with a paranoid population, or there are valid reasons for Americans to mistrust their elections' results. Read More.
Integrity of November election priority for revamped RNC
Quickly after Donald Trump revamped the Republican National Committee (RNC), the new leadership placed a priority on ensuring the integrity of the November election. Read More.
Trump gets hero’s welcome at D.C.'s Capitol Hill Club
During the 2024 campaign, Donald Trump has had great success in getting positive responses when barging into previously hostile environments. Read More.
Lock her up? AOC fears Trump will throw her in jail if he wins
No one has ever accused Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of having a flair for the dramatic. Have they? Read More.
Polls: Conviction not a factor; Hispanics breaking for Trump
Two new polls show that Donald Trump's felony conviction will likely not be a factor in November's vote while Hispanics continue to break big for the former president. Read More.
In AZ, at least half a million invalid voter registrations
Research into Arizona's voter rolls discovered between 500,000 and 1.27 million invalid registrations, including deceased people and those who have left the state, according to a lawsuit filed this week by the Arizona Republican Party and the Arizona Free Enterprise Club against Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes. Read More.
Is the Biden family jury influencing in Delaware?
With their presence in Delaware on Monday as jury selection began in son Hunter Biden's trial on gun charges, Joe and Jill Biden certainly seemed to be sending a message to potential jurors, HotAir's Karen Townsend noted. Read More.
'Dark days' in the United States: 'Stolen elections' matter
Liz Harrington, former spokeswoman for Donald Trump, said the consequences go back to the 2020 election. Read More.
Debate: Will voters see the real or 'jacked up' Biden?
Frozen in the eyes and minds of many Americans is the bumbling and fumbling public appearances of President Biden. There were times when on a public stage, the President seemed to be wandering about, ignored by others. At other moments, he seemed to be searching for an exit. At news conferences, his rhetoric is often gaffe-ridden, and he appears to rely on crib notes for answers to questions. Read More.
Left freaks over massive Trump rally in South Bronx
Has the South Bronx in 2024 become MAGA territory? That nightmare scenario is causing cognitive dissonance for the Democrat Left and reminding all that Donald J. Trump is after all a New Yorker whose political and geopolitical instincts have a proven track record. Read More.

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