July 27, 2024


Who are those health 'experts' empowering the new tyrants?
As we continue to explore the background of the so-called health "experts" whom corporate media goliaths and government officials demand Americans cede their individual personal liberties to, we see the same tightly interwoven network time and again. Read More.
Coronavirus lockdowns excesses seen costing Democrats
As state supreme courts step in to halt the lockdown orders of politicians who seemingly believe the U.S. Constitution can be ignored in states of emergency such as the coronavirus, Democrats will be paying a heavy price at the ballot box in November, a columnist said. Read More.
Coronavirus slammed U.S. economy, but China not immune
The U.S. continues to hemorrhage jobs and GDP as the coronavirus places the economy into a forced coma. Unemployment may temporarily approach Great Depression levels, and U.S. GDP may plummet by as much as 34 percent. Read More.
One good thing: Americans got to test drive socialism
Even in the worst of times, and certainly today's pandemic-induced lockdown of America qualifies as one of the worst in our lifetime, there is a "silver lining", if you are an optimist. Read More.
Powerful U.S. economy neutralized by 'invisible enemy'
Can we economically sustain a prolonged lockdown? Read More.
'Enough of Dr. Fauci': His errors speak louder than words
In widely reported remarks, Dr. Anthony Fauci said in an email to The New York Times that he was going to tell senators in his upcoming hearing on the coronavirus that, basically: If America doesn’t listen to me, people will die. Read More.
Cuomo offers no defense for disastrous nursing home policy
Gov. Andrew Cuomo's policy of forcing New York's nursing homes to take in patients infected with the coronavirus added more than 1,700 deaths to the count of those who died in the facilities, The Associated Press reported. Read More.
North Korea's Kim: Dead or alive? Flip a coin
North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has dodged a bullet, meaning the onslaught of speculation about whether he was dead or alive, ill or just avoiding the coronavirus. Read More.
Unreported: Experts at Johns Hopkins war-gamed a pandemic
As we continue to look at the medical "experts" who have assumed unprecedented control over Americans' lives during the coronavirus crisis we see once again a tight network closely aligned to the forces of globalism, population control and leftist political politics. Read More.
There's a problem with trusting the experts: They lie
Why should we unequivocally trust scientists as so many major media talking heads insist? Read More.
After Brexit fail, former UK PM backs China, jabs Trump
Former UK Prime Minister Theresa May emerged in a major column calling for moral equivalence in dealing with the U.S. and China. Read More.
No lockdown in Syria as conflict that killed 500,000 continues
Syria’s devastating conflict continues despite the spread of coronavirus and calls by the international community for a ceasefire to stop the fighting which has continued for over nine years and killed more than 500,000 people. Read More.
Only hope against the 'perfect storm'? The American people
What do Red China and the socialists in the United States have in common? The determination to "fundamentally change" this country into something the Founding Fathers would not recognize. Read More.
Peter Thiel's star rises at censorious Facebook
Facebook’s censorious behavior towards conservative speech is well-documented. Read More.
Top Gates ally makes no secret of globalist, anti-nation agenda
Last week we reported on the globalist health "experts" tied to Microsoft multi-billionaire Bill Gates who are wielding vast influence over America's coronavirus policy. Read More.

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