September 18, 2024


Epstein’s donations, connections heavily favored Democrats, Clintons
From 1990-2018, Jeffrey Epstein donated $147,426 to Democratic candidates. In the same time period, he donated $18,250 to Republicans. Epstein last donated to a GOP candidate in 2000. He never contributed to the 2016 Trump presidential campaign, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Read More.
Report: Soros worked closely with Obama State Dept. in 2016
Newly released documents show the extraordinary access leftist billionaire George Soros was granted by the Obama administration during the 2016 election cycle. Soros had invested heavily in Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Read More.
Ohr couple delivered dossier material directly to FBI/DOJ
Judicial Watch on Aug. 14 released 330 pages of Justice Department documents showing Bruce Ohr, who was demoted from his position as U.S. Associate Deputy Attorney General in December 2017, discussing information obtained through his wife Nellie Ohr. The information included anti-Trump dossier materials, including a spreadsheet that tries to link President Donald Trump to dozens of Russians. Read More.
Prager on how 2020 Dems 'stink’
Dennis Prager tore into Democrats running for their party’s 2020 presidential nomination. In the Aug. 12 edition of his radio show, Prager, a WorldTribune columnist, says the current Democratic field lies “with the ease with which you breathe.” Read More.
Judicial Watch investigating Epstein's death
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on "Mornings on the Mall" (WMAL) to discuss the death of billionaire & convicted sex offender Jeff Epstein. Read More.
'Terrorism'? China vows Hong Kong crackdown 'without mercy'
The regime of Chinese supreme leader Xi Jinping has vowed to crack down on what it said are “deranged” protesters in Hong Kong and pledged to do so “without leniency” and “without mercy.” Activists protesting what they say is the communist regime’s increasingly heavy-handed rule over the autonomous territory paralyzed Hong Kong’s international airport on Aug. 12 and Aug. 13, packing into terminals. Read More.
Attorney, witness add to growing list of Epstein questions
An attorney for Jeffrey Epstein said the billionaire pedophile did not appear “suicidal” and was “afraid of any consequences if he spoke about what happened in the first incident” in which he allegedly attempted to kill himself, reports say. Epstein “was concerned for his life after an incident in the jail in late July that sources at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York said was an attempted suicide,” investigative journalist Sara Carter reported, citing defense attorney David Schoen, who had visited Epstein on Aug. 1 at the facility. Read More.
DHS to ensure non-citizens don't abuse 'public assistance’
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Aug. 12 announced it would amend current regulations to ensure non-citizens aren’t abusing U.S. public assistance programs. DHS said the regulation would ensure those who seek to “enter and remain in the United States — either temporarily or permanently — are self-sufficient and rely on their own capabilities and the resources of family members, sponsors, and private organizations rather than on public resources.” Read More.
Thiel: 'Investigate' Google's ties with Chinese military
Google is developing artificial intelligence (AI) technology for China which “clearly has a lot of military applications” and should be investigated by the CIA or FBI, technology entrepreneur Peter Thiel said. Under the one-party political system in which the Chinese Communist Party rules, Google’s AI China-based research and development will absolutely end up in the Chinese military’s possession, Thiel said. Read More.
German exports to Iran drop after U.S. sanctions
Falling trade between Germany and Iran indicate that stinging U.S. sanctions are affecting the commercial preferences of countries when deciding on whether to conduct business with Teheran. German exports to Iran fell by 48 percent to $759 million in the first six months of this year, Reuters reported. Read More.
FBI stats: 'Blunt objects' killed more people in U.S. than all rifles
More people in the United States in 2017 were killed with “blunt objects” such as hammers and clubs than with rifles of any kind, according to FBI crime statistics. The FBI data showed that 467 people were killed with “blunt objects (hammers, clubs, etc.),” while 403 were killed with rifles, Breitbart News reported. Read More.
New Anti-Trump target: Restaurant voted 'best breakfast in Michigan'
Leftists, who only last week launched a campaign to boycott Equinox and SoulCycle gyms owned by a Trump supporter, are now calling on folks to stop eating at a restaurant chain that serves up the “#1 Best Breakfast in Michigan”. Why? The owner of Anna’s House, the restaurant adorned with the "best breakfast" signage, has donated to President Donald Trump’s campaign. Read More.
Limbaugh: Pro-Trumpers 'grow stronger and more quiet'
According to Gallup, President Donald Trump’s approval rating among Republicans has been solidly around 90 percent for the entirety of 2019. “And it may be even higher now,” radio host Rush Limbaugh said. “Those people are totally behind Trump. They are fully, quietly supportive of Trump and his agenda. They grow stronger and more quiet by the day, and that’s the great dichotomy.” Read More.
Former Miss Iraq calls out Rep. Omar, fight goes viral on Twitter
Former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan and Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar engaged in a brief Twitter battle last week. The result, a columnist noted, was “Omar, zero; beauty queen 1.” “Ilhan Omar does not represent me as a Muslim,” Idan said on an episode of The Sara Carter Show as reported by Breitbart. Read More.
Iran: Israel 'could spark war' if it joins U.S. allies in Persian Gulf
The commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) navy has warned that if Israel joins a U.S.-led security coalition in the Persian Gulf it could set off a war. “Any illegitimate presence by the Zionists in the waters of the Persian Gulf could spark a war,” IRGC Navy Rear Adm. Alireza Tangsiri told the Lebanese-based Al-Mayadeen TV. Read More.

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